This is for Cleda


Active Member
Hi Cleda,

I've been reading your check-ins with great interest because I am starting a Firm rotation. For anyone has seen my other posts at VF and Firmbelievers, please ignore my many posts on this topic. I'm wondering if you're following the 90 day rotation calendar and how you're deciding when to add extra cardio (i.e Cathe, CIA). I know it's working great for you, and I would like to see the same. Thanks

Just not Enough Time for it all!


Hi Emily!

I just don't have enough hours in the day to exercise... that's the bottom line!
Yes, I am having WONDERFUL success with the Firm Rotation and LOVING it (much to my surprise). I am INTO week #7.

Before I go further.... you've probably figured out by now, I am an advanced exerciser! So most importantly: GO AT YOUR OWN PACE..... Never model your workouts after someone else's -- other than to get ideas!!!

I try to listen to my body... That's EXTREMELY important... I had hernia surgery last May and had to come back from that.... knocking down the workouts.. but I continued to walk, use the Elliptical machine I have (and TRUST ME.... for the Elliptical thread.... it not only kept up my cardio level, but aided in endurance... ) Once I got the clearance from the doctor, I began a running program and I started a Firm Rotation last summer (since I was FORBIDDEN to lift ANYTHING -- including gallons of milk and laundry baskets for over 6 weeks.... talk about hard...) .....

Soooooo I listen to my body... and am following the 90 day rotation calendar that comes from the Firm Direct.

I add cardio in, due to bad veins and I need cardio to keep blood flowing to the upper body (hence not pooling in lower extremeties causing clots...)..... 20 minutes tacked on is usually enough!

Time factors into it also... Sundays I try to run with a WW friend, I try to tack on SOME sort of cardio... I had new tapes to try out, I go through WITHDRAWAL without Cathe, and I need to do Andre every now and then.... just cuz... He's FUN!

I need to keep exercise FUN, but stay healthy. I NEVER EVER want to be side-lined due to an injury... the 2 mos. recovery from Hernia surgery was MORE THAN ENOUGH FOR ME.....

Onto week #7 of the Firm rotation, I have heavied up some weights, got some new tapes and just had a BLAST... I have also cleaned up my diet.. but that's a whole 'nother story and a whole 'nother thread. I am DETERMINED to make my moniquer true.... and KEEP IT THERE....

Oh -- I also keep the all important log and try to make sure I keep things "balanced".... add to that my Thursday (usually) Rest day.... more if I need it.....

And of course, this was FAR More information than you EVER asked for....

Hope it answers your questions....

I was just reading your OTHER Thread also and figured I'd throw this here..... and you could read them both at once!

I've been doing the ball workouts.... and they are primarily Pilates and Yoga based (or so I'm told, since I don't do either Pilates or Yoga.. that's why I call them my YAWNER tapes...) .... They are a nice gentle, but effective workout. At least I THINK they're effective!

The Firm will definitely lean you out... no doubt about it! And using Cathe's Interval Max once a week is also good (to BLAST the body). ANY of her cardio sections are GREAT to tack on also! (but don't go working out TOO long!)

My diet is EXTREMELY balanced.... (or so I think). I'm following Weight Watchers and I try to keep the "junk" to a definite minimum... I could NEVER weigh 110 at 5'8... YOWSERS... I am a healthy 175 to 180 (I can't believe I just posted that on the WWW)...... and 5' 8.5" tall! You'd NEVER know it to look at me though and best of all?? I'm HEALTHY....

And when people look at my muscles.... I just tell them I'm trying out for the Tractor Pull Contest on ESPN and to look for me there... I'll go by the name, "CLEDA"...... LOL!


I'm Impressed!

I know I've told you before Cleda that you look sooo good, but I never dreamed that you were the weight you posted. You DEFINITELY look healthy. Keep up the good work!
Thanks Cleda

I appreciate your energy and I'm glad for your success. I, too, am an advanced exerciser, and I've tended to be somewhat addicted to cardio for years. I could go forever. That's what is kind of scaring me about the Firm because today on the rotation, I was supposed to do Volume 4 (Time Crunch). I did it, but it just didn't seem like enough. If it had been another day, I probably would have added more cardio, but I was up late into the night with my sick hubby. I guess it was a good thing the Time Crunch workout came on a day like today. I don't want to hamper results by adding too much cardio, though. However, it is hard to cut back on it. It's probably good for me, right! Thanks again for your responses. Also, I don't have any videos that classify as Hare videos. If you were me, which one would you get? Thanks.

The Hare Classifications


According to their list.. the following ones are for the Hare:

The Hare
FIRM Cardio
Max. Cardio
Power Cardio
Cardio Burn

(Firm Cardio I got at BJ's for $8.99), you can get Cardio Burn retail also. I think Max. Cardio is available at one of the cheaper online places -- there's a whole thread over at VF on it!

I like the rotation, cuz it kinda limits your time as to what you "need" to do. Remember .. even 30 minutes is enough and beneficial. AND it confuses your body... especially if you're use to longer workouts!

Good luck!


You are increadible!!!! Im starting a frm rotation, modified with Cathe and my kickboxing
You have insipired me that I can do the firm rotation with out having to stick to only firm tapes. BTW you look great!

Thank you Cleda.

At the risk of getting hung up on the scale thing, I wanted to thank you, Cleda, for stating your weight on the WWW.

I am 5'3 and 129 lbs -- the least I've weighed since about junior year of high school. (I'm 26.) I'm still not at my ideal weight, but I think I'm close to it. However, judging from how I look and feel -- and the fact that women in my family are a just plain solid/stocky by nature -- I suspect my ideal is no more than 5-10 lbs below where I am now. In other words, my "ideal" would still put me at the high end of what weight charts and the media suggest are appropriate for my height.

When I look at my very healthy, fit 100-lb. friends who are my height, though, I sometimes wonder whether I am kidding myself. In my heart, I really believe we are all different and what is right for their bodies would not be right for mine. On my good days, I realize that if I were 100 lbs. I'd probably need to be hospitalized. But sometimes the barrage of media and other messages can make me question my beliefs on this matter.

Anyway, although I'm not a frequent poster here, I do read this board from time to time and you and your enthusiasm are a great inspiration. At some point I checked out your profile and found your photo to be that of an astonishingly fit woman. I am delighted to find out that you are not 110 lbs, or 130!

So congratulations on being FinallyAtGoal, and thanks for being such an inspiration.

You GO!!!
Thank you....


Nope..... I will never be TINY. I will never LOOK like Cathe (unless of course you chop me off at the waist... that would get rid of the pear shape bottom and the HEIGHT!!!

But, I can be in the BEST shape possible ... thanx TO Cathe (thanx Cathe!) and her videos along with all the inspiration and motivation I get from this forum, VF and the many others I visit (along with DIET support.....).

It's a life long journey and I am just beginning it. I hope to stay "AT GOAL" forever.... but it's work!

Till Sunday when I check in.....

Cleda, just blow me off if I'm being too nosy, but what type of hernia did you have? I only ask because I've been having some abdominal discomfort that feels unlike anything I've experienced before. I went to the doc today and he suspects it's the start of an ulcer, but after doing some research on hernias, I found out that in some cases, hernias can occur higher up than the typical groin area ones. Any info on your experience, especially your symptoms and what you believe might have caused it would be really helpful to me. Again, just cyber-smack me if I'm being a pest!

Elizabeth Kelly

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