Thinking of you, Mandy Lee!!


susan p

Hey girl!! I was just cruising the forum and it dawned on me that THIS IS SUNDAY. And of course, that means tomorrow is MOnday. Last I heard the plan was that if you hadn't gone by today, you would be induced tomorrow. Just wanted to let you know that your fitness buddies are thinking of you! -susan p
Hi Mandy Lee!

Best of luck with everything. Keep us posted(obviously after you rest and at your convenience). How exciting!!!!
Hi Mandy Lee

I was wondering the other day if you had your baby yet. I think about you often when I workout because if you have so many little kids and can still find the time to workout and look great, so can I. Hope everything is going well with the baby! Take care.

Adam is here!

Hi everyone!

Adam Michael Lee was born Monday, July 3rd at 5:17 pm. He weighed 7 lbs 13 ounces and was 21 inches long. I went in at 8am and he was born late in the afternoon. The little guy took a while to get here. I wasn't progressing very much. I was 2-4 cm dialated most of the day so my midwife and nurse left to go do other things and within 3 contractions I went to 10 cm. I had to hold it (probably 4 contractions) to get the midwife and nurse back in. I pushed once for the head and the second time, his body came out. So fast! My husband caught him. He nursed really well right away. And guess what? No stitches! That is why I can sit hear holding my baby and say hi without wincing. Those kegals do work so keep doing them! I loved doing kegal work to all Cathe's ab sections. Guess what Cathe? I did your MIS Legs and your PS Back/Biceps/Abs just 2 days before he was born. Thankyou so much for putting out all these new awesome video's. It's like a big huge post pardum present to me. I'm recovering so fast and feeling good although I'm sleepless in Seattle:) But it's worth it getting up and looking into my little boys face. He is a little squirter too! I've had to be careful since it's been 7 years since I had my other boy. I'm not used to it:)hee!hee!

Mandy Lee

I always loved those early days after delivery - such a high!! Enjoy Adam and this special time, he'll be in college before you know it (my oldest is 19!).

Congratulations Mandy Lee!

Big warm hugs to you and your family. I bet Adam Michael is filling your hearts with great joy. It sounds like he is beautiful and perfectly healthy. How are the kids adjusting to their new brother?

Thats so wonderful that you didn't need any stitches. Oh and how about your husband catching Adam, that must have surprised him. Well, sleepless in Seattle (very cute), try to rest up as best as you can and keep us posted on your progress. Take Care!
Congrats Mandy!

I'm so happy for you and your family. I'm sure all of Adam's brothers and sisters will have a ball playing with their new baby brother!

Adam Lee

Hi Mandy!
Congratulations! So happy to hear about your little boy. And only two pushes? Wow.

You are an amazing woman. Best of luck with your new little boy.

Congratulations, Mandy!

I remember you posted about that period right after the baby is born--you called it the "babymoon" and thought that was the loveliest way to describe it. I hope you are having the sweetest babymoon ever! I also hope that you are getting enough rest. What a happy time for your family!
Welcome little Adam

Congratulations Mandy Lee and family. I am so happy for you. Enjoy your new little guy and his wonderful "baby smell." My son was two years old last Friday. It seems like just yesterday that he was Adam's size. Good luck with the sleep!

Sheila Watkins
Good show, Momma!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jul-07-00 AT 12:23PM (EST)</font></center>

That little guy will be potty trained, driving, and graduated from college before you know it (hopefully in that order!), so enjoy the little moments and KEEP A JOURNAL!!!!!!!!!! AND TAKE LOTS OF PICTURES!!!!!!! The voice of experience is talking.

Now, for YOU, Miss Mandy Lee! I hope you've ordered Cathe's new tapes for your own post pregnancy get-back-into-shape plan! We now know that you need to do just what Cathe did to get those fabulous abs, and you'll be efficient in the process. What could be better than that? Maybe a little extra sleep, I know! Lucky you! You'll be ready to exercise just about the time the new tapes come out!

Go get 'em, girl!

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