I thought about buying Insanity at Christmas, but didn't for a variety of reasons. Now I've come back to it.
I know alot of you have it and I want to know how much you would recommend it. What's your favorite thing about it and what don't you particularly care for.
IMHO, for those who value intensity, the combination of Cathe and Shaun T in their collection is absolutely unsurpassable. I too love everything about INSANITY and Shaun T's personae: he is part drill sergeant, part exercise science professor, part motivational speaker (and at times blipped-out cusser, which I totally love), part group leader and - I swear - part happy hypermuscled puppy. The workouts are effective, challenging, and a great mixture of vertical plyo, vertical high-impact, and plank-style cardio drills that are very, very well-organized. I do not follow Shaun's rotation as he provides it (just not a rotation person), but I do INSANITY every Sunday morning and I seriously miss it when I don't.
I would suggest "digging deep" financially speaking and getting the Deluxe package, primarily because you get Max Interval Sports Training and INSANE Abs, as well as an upper body workout that looks really neat. The fun factor of MIST is even higher than normal. (Please be advised, however, that you get a ton of extra sh*t that you may or may not value - overly fancy packaging, an "Elite Nutrition Guide" that appears little more than Mom's Eat-Your-Vegetables nostrums, and some "Results And Recovery Formula" that I call "Panther Piss.") (I've repeated that last parenthetical many, many times.)
INSANITY is IMHO a perfect complement to the Cathe Collection. I personally would looooovvvvvvvvvveeeeeee to see them team-teach a class or a workout DVD. Ain't gonna happen in this lifetime, but I can dream . . .