Things I DO get and really love....


When perfect strangers tell me to go in front of them in the cashier line, because they have a ton of items and I only have a couple.

The nice driver who lets me take my left turn.

The way your dogs are always happy to see you, no matter what.

Your kids hugs... especially as they get older!

When your DH calls you that nickname that only he calls you.

When you can have a nice, chatty conversation with your kid's friend' mom.

The feeling you get when you pull in your driveway from being away, knowing you're home sweet home.

Logging on to the Cathe forums!

The list can go on and on.... can't it???
Sitting on my front porch with a cup of tea

Having a good laugh with DH at night when we're lying in bed

A quiet evening at home

Living and dying with the characters in a good book

Accidentally finding a forgotten $5 in my jeans pocket

The way my niece and nephew come flying out the door to greet me, whenever I show up

Smiling and chatting with the cashier who's just been yelled at by some grump

A good therapist

Loving my country

That great post-exercise, just showered feeling

DH coming in the door at night

The freedom to read, watch, think, say and believe what I want


My garden is filled with papayas and mangos
My life is a mixture of reggaes and tangos
Taste for the good life, I can live it no other way
- Jimmy Buffett
This is really nice.

When my kids give me kisses and hugs and they tell me they love me.

When my parents tell me that I have turned out to be a beautiful person after enduring the past with me.

When my DH gives me hugs and kisses and tells me he loves me.

My home.



My health.

And most of all, my life!!!

Happy holidays to all of you Catheites!!!!

My Husband

running with my husband

my 3 boys

Watching my boys play hockey

Jesus, My salvation


First snowfall

Family & Friends

a good laugh and a good cry

Our troops and our freedom

Merry Christmas
*the sound of my DD's laugh
*my dog making noises and wagging her tail while she's dreaming
*saying "happy holidays" to people and really meaning it
*waking up with my DH's arm around me
*spending time with good friends
*achieving my fitness goals
*singing to my favorite song at the top of my lungs in the car
*a really good steak


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
My students, who teach me and make me laugh every day.

My husband, who will drive to three different stores in the middle of the night to find just the right medicine for me when I am sick.

Waking up in the morning with a cat curled up on my feet, my husband next to me, and the dog curled up in his dog bed.

My job, working with truly caring, supportive and cooperative co-workers.

My cannondale. 12 years old, never a flat, and I just love it.
* threads that make me smile and be thankful like this one :)
* salvation, Jesus
* my two daughters
* my three grandkids
* good days with DH
* the look of love from my two puppies, Pierre and Queen
* the nuzzle I get from my two horses when I just go out and stand with them
* when I prepare a meal and my family loves it and gives me endless compliments
* getting an additional discount on an item I'm purchasing at the register
* being able to afford to go a little heavy on the Christmas shopping for our family this year
* Corona with extra lime and a dang good chardonnay
* Catheites
I'm a teacher (behavior class K5) and the thing I love the most is when we are walking down the hall and one of my students slips their little hand in mine or says, "I love you."
- pillow talk with my hubby
- holding hands
- a good movie
- M&M's
- strawberry dacquari's
- fresh coffee in the morning
- the precious few moments I get with my nephews who live out of the country
- the miracle of my brother's changed life
- our new king size bed
- the little bit of snow we get in S.C. (just the hint of a dusting sends everyone here into a tizzy and to the store and it's total fun)
- chatting with my sister
- long talks with my best friend
- a delicious dinner with friends
- doing a new workout for the first time and loving it
- making homemade chocolate chip cookies
- reading a good book

Great thread...the list could go on and on....
>> My Lord My Savior!

>>little love notes and coloring pages from my girls written Mom I love yoy!

>>My son all potty trained @ 2 he was easy NO MORE DIAPERS!

>>My sister-in-law! She is my best Friend!

>> My Mom she is the most kind and patient woman I have ever met in my life.

>> My hubby he is my biggest blessing from God

>> My health, my childrens health


>>the love that I get from them that is so unconditional

Cute thread!

Snuggling with Maximus in bed (or in couch as the case may be) for the 10 minutes between the first time my alarm goes off & the second time my alarm goes off

Snuggling w/Cosmo on the floor, & her rare occasions of playfulness

A really good, intense, sweaty kickboxing workout

Getting out of work on time & being able to have dinner at a normal hour, watch TV at a normal hour, & read 2 pages of a book before I fall asleep

Having a relaxing dinner out at a good restaurant with a good bottle of wine & good company (family, friends, whatever)

My new training partner at the gym

My beautiful, cozy house & the renovations I did to it all by myself

Enbrel & the way it's cleared up my skin! :) :) :) :)

Shoe shopping

Purse shopping


Gosh, thanks for posting this, sometimes we forget how much we have to be grateful for.......
This is great!

DH's gentle heart
DD's eccentricities
The way petting my dogs brings me peace
The big O ;-)
The fabulous people I work with
The things I get and love:

John Waters Movies
John Sayles Movies
The Gilmore Girls
John Stewart
Stephen Colbert
Leonard Cohen
Tom Waits

Things I sometimes don't get, but still love:

David Lynch Movies
James Joyce
William Faulkner
Jackson Pollock
Finding the perfect gift for someone

A great suprise

Hearing the first sounds of birds chirping after a long winter

Snuggling in bed

A relaxing hot bath

Fitting into your tight jeans! LOL

Finding the perfect pair of shoes

Watching an older couple still hold hands (so charming that love really can exist)

Opening the door for someone who needs help

this list could go on and on - thank goodness huh!
My husband - looking in his eyes and seeing my soul and his reflected back

My family

My animals and their unconditional love

My nephews laugh and twinkling eyes

The smell of crisp fall air w/the scent of pines .. and the scent of crisp spring air and the scent of flowers

How clean everything looks after a rain

The ocean and sunsets amazing beauty

Knowing my best friend will always be there for me to pick me up when I am down, to hold my hand when I am afraid, and to kick my butt when I am wrong.

Nature .. and it's force and beauty

Working out till I am completely spent ...

The smell of a baby .. or my grandmother's skin (how I miss that)

Fresh sheets on the bed ..

The remarkable resilience of human nature

Oh, I have more:

The sound of my dogs tail wag hitting the floor when I get out of bed.

Summer afternoon rain storms in Florida.

Azalea's blooming in the spring.

DH's obsession with designing mechanical thingies.

Having money left over after paying the bills.

Seeing muscular arms when I walk past a mirror.
That my DH makes me my coffee in the am--and he hates coffee!
That first sip of the above!
being inside when it's raining
having all my kids home
christmas tree lights
reading in bed
snugggling with my DH
the way you smell after being outside in the fall or the cold
finding packages at the door when I get home
and yes, the list goes on and on... thanks
**Walking into my office..and someone has surprised me by leaving a redbull on my desk (sugar free of course!)

**My two boxers and the way they LOVE to cuddle

**Leaving a nice tip for a waitress/waiter who looks like they are having a rough day

**See's Candies....yummmmmm :9

**Politeness, giving or receiving it.

**The Blackberry craze

**Thank you cards...under-rated but WAY appreciated.

**Any KIND OF HIGH HEEL (I LOVE being taller!!)

**iPods and iTunes

**The support I get from my boyfriend...unwaivering and unmatched in selflessness.

**Reality TV...I am addicted and I cannot look away!!!

**Feel good movies that really leave you with some strong life lessons

**Having your siblings be your best friends
*ds hugging me and telling me I'm the best mom in the world ;)
*the way dh can always make me laugh
*hot chocolate
*a glass of wine
*the feeling after a good workout
*losing a few pounds without trying :7
*running as the sun rises :)

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