They have no clue when Cardio Hits will be in - grrrr


Who knows when it will ever come in x( They asked if I want to select something else. I think I will for the time being and get that later. That was supposed to be my first Cathe DVD. Okay, off to select something else (well at least I got Imax 2 in the mean time).

mommy to Aiden Mackenzie 4/8/04
Hi Debbie,

If you really are itching to get the Cardio Hits dvd, you could order from Cathe's online Canadian distributor, CK Sales:

I just bought this dvd from them in December, so I imagine it's still in stock.

Collage Video is also out of stock, but it says they expect to have on 03/31. Maybe Cathe will have it then also.
RE: They have no clue when Cardio Hits will be in - grr...

Actually, I got a notice yesterday that mine is shipping and will be here on Wednesday. Just FYI! Hope yours arrives this week as well!
ACK! I lied (though unintentionally). I got a notice saying i'd get a UPS package last wednesday, but it was not my Cardio Hits DVD, but a less anticipated and previously forgotten package. So still I wait. :(

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