<---Theres only four ways to get unraveled, one is to sleep and the other is travel

RE: <---Theres only four ways to get unraveled, one is ...

<----joins in on the cheering :7
<----reminds Robin to not utter a word to our Moms about the upcoming mmmm-mmmm
<----says make peace, not war
<----if off to don some tie-dye apparel
RE: <---Theres only four ways to get unraveled, one is ...

<--- runs in with absolute glee over Tammy's mom!!!:) :D :) :D
<--- will continue the vigil for Tammy's mom;)
<--- says the whole 80's thing was a little past her time, too, and relates much better to the trippy, dippy, hippie scene of the 60's
<--- is scrounging for her bell bottoms, tie-dyed T, and beads
<--- knows which thread sent Shelley on a tear
<--- says there's a thread that's driving her nuts, too
<--- just finished her workout -- GSL (a premix;) ) and stability ball abs
<--- felt nauseous after the w/o
<--- needs to run to the cleaners and the grocery store
<--- may not BB until tomorrow
<--- wishes you all a good night :*
RE: <---Theres only four ways to get unraveled, one is ...

<-- is thrilled by Tammy's news
<-- ((((((((((Tammy))))))))))
<-- ((((((((((Tammy's Mom))))))))))
<-- ^^^^^ Tammy
<-- ^^^^^ Tammy's Mom!!!
<-- is avoiding studying
<-- just found out that <-- is somehow related to some criminal
<-- will be giving a 20 min presentation on HIPAA and ERISA in 2 weeks
<-- wonders when it is appropriate to start stressing for ^^
<-- wants to be asleep
<-- thinks that means <-- should go to Starbucks asap :9
RE: <---Theres only four ways to get unraveled, one is ...

<---hates HIPAA
<---wonders what the criminal Ame is related to did
<---is sure we are all related to some criminal
<---speaking of not so nice people, Michele posted a website on the hater thread where you can look up dirty words in other languages
<---not that Michele is a not so nice person
<---thinks that all came out wrong
<---anywoo, notice that there are only 4 words in Armenian
<---thinks that is because we Armenians are all such fine, upstanding, NICE people
<---agrees with Tammy that we won't tell Moms about the mmm-mmm
<---is making a PB filled brownie thing for work and then headed for my book
<---see ya tomarrow
RE: <---Theres only four ways to get unraveled, one is ...

<-- thinks she creatively stole money for a long time or something
<-- isn't sure and Dm wasn't so clear, LOL, as she was still in "shock"
<-- cannot get over DM's need for drama, LOL
<-- wonders what Armenian curse words might be
<-- answered the questions in class wrong today
<-- didn't mind the prof saying "no."
<-- is ready to graduate, then!!! :D (<-- have been waiting to get a thick skin for 3 years!!!)
<-- should be at the grocery store buying asparagus
<-- wonders if you wonder why <-- am here then?? :p
<-- is going, <-- is going
RE: <---Theres only four ways to get unraveled, one is ...

<--waves at everyone quietly
<--is working tonight
<--thought that <-- was going to work the rest of the week, but boss doesn't want <-- to
<--doesn't 'get' it because she switched 2 other nurses' schedule *after* <-- offered to change
<--will be going to breakfast with DH in the morning:7
<--hasn't read anything ^^^

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