<---Theres only four ways to get unraveled, one is to sleep and the other is travel


<--this one is in honor of Nancy who is responsible for getting the Soft Parade stuck in <--'s head
<--is out of the HH and in a better frame of mind after spending two hours in the gym last night
<--wishes all a great day
<--is off the brew the pot o' tea
<--waves to all.
<--is getting the brand new step platform <--ordered today!!!:+
<--wonders if the UPS guy will survive the attack? }(
<--is suddenly wondering if an Imax should be subbed for Plyo X today? ;)
<---waves good morning to Beavs and passes the teapot
<---says pollen is bad down here and allergies are killing <---
<---has to go see patients in the hospital
<---is <---'s day off, so should be able to get in a good work out and check in later with the Cathe Arrow Ladies
<---wonders if we should get a OAL posse together to string up folks who deserve it (like Beavs ex-friend, for example):p
<---is sure <---could come up with a few people who need to be taught a lesson or two!
<---wishes everyone a happy day and will bbl
RE: <---Theres only four ways to get unraveled, one is ...

<---says get out the foul weather gear
<---is not in a pretty mood and doens't want you all to "get any on you"
<---has no particular reason, is just crabby
<---likes the idea of a posse and is in just that kind of mood today
<---grabs her list of work to be done and stomps off to kill someone, anyone, whoever gets in my way
<--likes Phyllis's magnet
<--passes MSY the teapot and the Allegra
<--thinks Tig should go for IMAX
<--waves to Judy
<--understands Robins foul mood and hopes it goes away
<--thinks it would be amusing to watch exfriend get a good OAL lumping ;-)
<--- waves at Beavs, Judy, Wendy, MSY, Robin, Phyllis, and all who follow
<--- will need a brief recap on yesterday's events as she is utterly clueless
<--- is awfully glad Beavs is out of the HH, but wants to know what required 2 hours in the gym to improve her frame of mind
<--- wonders what's on tap for Judy today
<--- is worried about Wendy's UPS driver and is sure he'll develop a hernia one day
<--- is ready to ride with the OAL posse}(
<--- can sympathize with MSY on the allergies ;(
<--- loves Flonase
<--- tells Robin she thinks you got some on her -- Ewwwww:eek: :p
<--- wants to find a refrigerator magnet like Phyllis's :7
<--- 's nausea is finally gone
<--- has no idea what was up with that
<--- is officially 1 day behind on her rotation
<--- better hop to it
<---waves hi to all
<---is impressed with Beavs' 2 hrs in the gym
<---runs to find shelter from Hurricane Robin
<---had another bad night
<---hopes the day will be better
<---will try to MAKE the day be better
<---is excited that we're already half way through this nice short week
<--is glad to know Ms. Michele is feeling better
<--tells her that <-- has learned some things about exfriend that although didn't have anything to do with <-- still made her feel ashamed for ever having been her friend
<--has a low tolerance for people who lack morality, decency, and steal from business partners/friends (who is also a friend of <--)
<--has just been a tad disillusioned with the world as of late hence the two hour workout...arms and chest are REALLY sore but <-- is on an endorphin high
<--will stop blathering and prattling now
<--- waves at Cuz and is sorry she had a bad night
<--- hopes Cuz's day improves dramatically
<--- is sorry Beavs ex-friend continues to wreak havoc
<--- shares your low tolerance for scumbags
<--- knows your ex-friend will get hers someday, they always do;)
<--- wants an endorphine high and has only ever had ONEx(
<--- edits to add that it would take something pretty serious to get her in a gym for 2 hours:7
<---waves mornin' glories
<---is glad Miss Lee is feeling better
<---congrats Beavs on sweatin out her stresses
<---wants Judy's energy
<---waves to MSY and hopes she has a good day at the hospital
<---waves to Robin whilst standing behind splash guard
<---tells Tig to be nice to the UPS guy
<---would definitely sub an Imax for Plyo
<---waves to Phyllis
<---hopes Shannon's days and nights improve
<--Says good moring!
<--lol at Phyllis's magnet!
<--says "go get them" to Robin,and <--stands with Tammy behing splash quard!
<--^^5's Beaves with the two hour gym workout,you go girl!
<--Waves to everybody<--missed!
<--hear's my little ds talking in his bed,must go for now!
<--Hopes everybody has a slammin day!
<--loves saying slammin,awesome,and rad!
<--can you tell <--is a 80's gal;-) !
<--all though didn't grow up in the 80's(more like 90's)
<--O.k now leaving! Have a rad day:7 !
<--thanks Beavs for the lyrics
<--says <-- just counted and it's been 40 YEARS since her Soft Parade days
<--is a leetle scared to think of that
<--says callin' on the dogs
<--loves MSY's ideal of an OAL posse
<--says count me in
<--understands exactly how Robin feels
<--felt that way yesterday
<--is sure Robin's mood will be gone by tomorrow
<--is sorry that <--'s sleeping vibes didn't work for Shannon and wonders what's up?
<--is ROFL@ Miss Lee's comment about TiG's UPS guy :7
<--is also getting behind Tammy's splash guard
<--has to leave work at 3 pm today to visit DT's fam damily
<--says unfortunately, DT's sister is coming x(
<--tells herself to be nice
<--needs a refill
Edited for horrendous typos
<--- is here
<--- is in about the same frame of mind as Robin today
<--- is seriously slacking on the workouts and the eating and it's showing and <--- is NOT HAPPYx(
<--- hopes everyone has a fine day
RE: <---Theres only four ways to get unraveled, one is ...

<---thinks it's getting crowded behind the splash guard and suggests you get a bigger one
<---wants to know why <--is the social director for the department?
<---says department decided to have a pizza party tomarrow because we are all scheduled to be here and we have a gift card to the Hut
<---says supervisor handed me the gift card to do the ordering and said it's because "You're in control"
<---bwahahahahah <--in control
<---is also in charge of department heads retirement party
<---needs a raise
<---thanks everyone for the feel better vibes
<---had a bit of self-adjustment just now
<---thinks it might help
<---thinks more sleep would help more
<---thinks "slammin" is a good word
<---might try to use it on a daily basis
<---didn't know Cuz was suffering from nausea
<---is very glad to hear it's gone
<---empathizes with Beavs about friends and disillusionment
<---hopes she'll be okay
<---needs to get on with the work day
<--- doesn't wanna
<---will do it anyway
<---waves bye!
<--is with Beavs and Shannon on being disappointed in certain humans
<--would also want Robin in control if <-- worked with her
<--in fact, wants Robin to come to <--'s office and be in control today
<--promises Robin a big raise
<--is thinking about quitting her job and becoming a personal trainer/ nutritionist/personal stylist :D :p :+
<--waves to Shannon and is glad to see her this a.m.
<--thinks Robin makes an awesome social director but not a socialist director
<--thinks Nancy is well suited for her new career and is already boarding the Metro for <--'s consultation ;-)

<--forgot to wave to Shelley
<--feels like as arse
<--reminds Shelley to be good to herself of risk get a collective nuggy from the OAL possee

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