I'm right there with you. 20% protein, 20% fat, 60% carbs and of course . . . >= 25 grams of fiber. Must have my fiber.
This is what I was thinking . . .
Diets in general, there is so much stuff out there that it becomes overwhelming and it shuts a lot of people down and some go for the extremes . . . stomach stapling.
I was thinking that a lot of the anecdotal evidence is designed to continue this confusion such that people will still be able to buy more and more diet products and do dads. So, if there is a plan out there that allows people to get started and then tweak it such that it’s more customized for them . . . that may be a good way to start.
There are so many people who just do not want to count calories. I saw a program on 20/20 about stomach stapling and how the people were eating 10,000 calories a day. After the surgery, they are now down to 1,500 calories a day. People can achieve that without stomach stapling but they don’t want to take the responsibility of journaling and obtaining the education to obtain their success. They’d much rather have someone come up with a diet and be told what will work so that way they don’t have to own the responsibility.
I have a couple of people I’m working with right now that are just starting out with this stuff and they are so frustrated by all the diet messages that it’s hard to keep them grounded and patient. So, I was think that maybe finding a good diet to start them with to learn about eating that isn’t overwhelming and then make tweaks to it that will increase their ability to succeed may be a good idea. Right now, I’ve gotten two that I generally start people on, and I’m wonder if the Zone may be one of those too that could be used as another option.
What do you think . . . not about the Zone, but about the general direction of education?
Oh, and I’m a big one too on the trans fats and saturated fats, really big!
Thanks for your contribution and helping me with this.
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