The Viper totally ROCKS!!!


Hi Cathe!!

First and most importantly, I want to congratulate you on the cool stuff you've accomplished with QVC and Egglands Best. ^^^^5's to you and your staff. You guys deserve the best of everything!!

Speaking of the best of the 2007 RT, I purchased the Terminator DVD. I'm a little embarrassed to admit this but, I finally took the shrink-wrap off yesterday...:eek: I can't even tell you how many times I had taken that DVD out, read the descriptions on the back and thought to myself "I can't do that"...:confused:

Well, not only did I take off the shrink-wrap, I actually did The Viper...ALL THE WAY THROUGH!!!! I even conquered my nemisis: the infamous interval #9 from Imax2...:eek: Yay me!!!!

Not only does this workout rock, but it is so much fun. It's like the "best of" my fave workouts. Can't wait to try the rest of them!!
This is one video I've been on the fence about, and now you're totally making me want it!! haha!!

That's awsome Melissa!! :-D
I have the Viper on tap for tonight. I had been waffling on purchasing the Terminator, but I'm glad I did. I'm doing a circuit rotation this month, so this DVD fits the bill nicely. I thought they all would likely kill me, so I had put off this purchase. I have done them all once now. I found the Viper to be the easier, then the Gauntlet, and Imax extreme handed me my A$$ on a silver platter!!! I was doing well with Imax extreme until the last section when I hit a huge wall. I think I got thru that one on more will power than any actual skill.

The only problem with this DVD is that I don't have BC/ME, and now I HAVE to get them. It gave me the itch that only a new DVD can scratch:D I'm trying to put off that purchase, bc I start 6 months of STS in Aug, so I won't be able to use it til Jan/Feb sometime.

i just laugh when i see these, i don't even want to attempt them and i've never even seen them. just knowing what cathe's other workouts are like, just the names scare me. think i'll pass :)

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