The Terminator Series - opinions, please


Hi there -
I'm thinking about taking the plunge, but I'm also thinking I may be nuts for doing it. Maybe I'll torture myself as a Christmas present. I'd really be interested in hearing your opinions of this series - good or bad!
Buy it NOW! They are awesome workouts. I love the Gauntlet. There is so much variety on this dvd. I do it at least once a week for a challenge or if I have had a pig out day. Definitely a must have.:)

I agree with the other posters that these are great workouts. But be warned that they are very difficult and also very similar to eachother. I find that I can ususally do only one of them per week because they are so similar and I don't like to feel like I'm doing the same thing over and over.
IMO, this DVD is an absolute MUST. In fact, I think I convinced three or four people to add it to their library on the road trip}( As a previous poster mentioned though, these are HARD workouts. All three are quite long, and you'll be drained by the end. Think Bootcamp, only more so.
Hi, Shelley -
I've never done Bootcamp. I thought about getting it since I hear so much good about it, but I shifted to the Terminator because it looks like it has more cardio (Imax Extreme). So what about Bootcamp? Should I get it before Terminator?
Hello there.

I have done each work out from the terminator once and I love them all! I finished the VIPER in full and did 75% of IMAX Ex and about 1/2 of The Gauntlet. I had to quit IMAX Ex early b/c it was SUPER TOUGH and I need to ease into that one-too much high intensity cardio for me right now. The Gauntlet I could have finished but I had to take care of Joey as he was very fussy that day.

Anyway, they are TOUGH TOUGH TOUGH but great and what a sense of accomplishment you get when you are done! It's an awesome feeling! :7 Like the kind most of us get from Boot Camp!

If you want to work HARD you will LOVE this dvd!:7

ETA: I would definately get BOTH the terminator and the boot camp dvd! Don't forget that the bc dvd also has muscle endurance on it which is a fabulous full body weight work out! If you have to buy them at separate times go for the Terminator first if you are a cardio junkie and really want to give IMAX Ex a go.
Buy the IS in dvd.In the dvd you have lot of useful premixes.If you can buy the terminator dvd get it (the Terminator contains three compilations from Cathe's Intensity series, called: The Gauntlet, Imax Xtreme and The Viper). All the IS is awesome. This is my favorite Cathe's series.IMAX 2 is a hard interval workout, Bootcamp is my favorite circuit workout with lot of premixes (It has eight cycles each one-minute. One minute cardio without step, legs, arms, and abs), ME is one fantastic endurance weight workout, the PUB is a great strength workout and in PLB you will find a fantastic lower body segment using the stability ball ( The ball work is excellent!. I have to say the second section of PLB is one of the toughest floor segments I've ever seen or done) and C & W is another circuit workout. The music in these series rocks too.You won't regret the puchase.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :)
This DVD is awesome. Great challenge, great variety. I love doing IMAX Xtreme cardio only (skip weights). Yesterday I did the Viper and got a fabulous workout. I have never regretted adding this to my collection and you won't either:)

Take Care
Are you refering to the Terminator DVD (with three compilation workouts) or the Intensity Series?

IMO, The Intensity Series is a must have. A great balance of workouts and variety. This is the only series from which I have all the DVDs (except the Terminator DVD).

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