The Terminator-Classics


I feel the need to add to my Cathe library. I am thinking about buying the two above. I am not too worried about being able to do the Classics, but I was wondering if the Terminator is easily modified. I know I will have to work into it. Does anyone have any suggestions for doing this? I did IMAX1 the other day and about died, but I finished it with a only a few modifications. I would love to do plyo jacks like Cathe, but my legs just won't cooperate at this point. They always seem to turn to jello a little past half way through and I have to modify from there. This will give you and idea of how I will need to modify Terminator. Do you think I may be setting my sights too high? Should I maybe try a different one. I am set on the classics. I just plane love to do step. My husband teases me half seriously about all the tapes I have. I think I should limit my purchase to two DVD's at this point.

OH, I already have:
Power Max
Body Max

hello Paula, if you can do MIS, you shouldn't have any trouble with Terminator. I have Terminator, but I can't do everything, I can't do the airborne jumping jacks yet, and I have problems with my form on the plyo jacks, but I do the best I can, and I also am not real good with push-ups yet, working on that too lol .... I love this DVD though, so go for it ....... :7 :7 ...... Rhonda
How about Cardio Hits DVD and the classics DVD? I have to disagree that if you can do MIS you will have no trouble with the Terminator--the other poster may have been thinking of MIC (the cardio workout) rather than MIS (the weight training workout). The Terminator is pretty tough--I'd maybe wait on this and go for Cardio Hits (Stepworks, Stepfit and PowerMax)since you love stepping so much. I know you already have Powermax, but you could easily trade it, or use it when you travel and don't have access to a DVD player.
On the other hand, the Terminator DVD is really (grueling) fun, and you can certainly modify in many ways. Especially by programming shorter workouts. I think you could actually program it to play almost all of Imax2 and Cardio and Weights in their entirety...
Good luck :)
Sorry Wendy, but I have MIS and I find it alot tougher than Terminator, I guess because of the weights. And I said she SHOULD have no trouble, NOT wouldn't have any trouble. And with work you can get used to just ABOUT any of these workouts, notice I said just ABOUT :7 .................. thanks Rhonda
Thanks for the feedback. I was planning on buying the DVD's. I think I wrote tapes out of habit. I am just starting to transition to DVD's. I don't have much trouble with MIS, but I am not up to the amount of weight Cathe uses either. Especially with my shoulders. I am a whimp there. Can't do flys very well for the life of me, but I keep trying.

I am going to go get my credit card. "I will be back!" Pun intended!

IMHO The Terminator is easily modified, especially if you have the DVD and can skip chapters to the next segment of each workout. My personal favorite is Gauntlet, because it really is a cool salad of I-Max 2, Cardio Weights and Boot Camp. Gauntlet really isn't overly plyo in its cardio intervals (although some of course are really, REALLY mean - read S-Q-U-A-T-T-H-R-U-S-T-C-L-I-M-B-E-R-S), and you can continue to work up to the I-Max-2 and Boot Camp cardio segments as you see fit.

Just get both Terminator and The Classics, and hold each as goals to work toward.

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