The STS 6 month rotation question


Active Member
Hi, Everyone. I'm contemplating doing doing a 6 mth vs 3 mth STS rotation. I know that with the 6 mth rot. you do each week twice. Has anyone just done each meso twice? As in, all of meso 1, rest week, then meso 1 again, rest, then repeat mesos 2 and 3 the same way. Just curious how it worked for ya. :D
Not sure

I did my first round of STS back in the summer and I did the 3 mo rotation. This time I am doing the 6 mo. The one thing I like about the 6 mo is that there is lots of room for adjustment. I've I did disc 1 and had to make some adjustments to my weights, you simply write it down and your all ready to go the next week. I personally think that do the mesocycle then repeating it wouldnt really give you that extra wiggle room because the workouts arent as fresh in your brain. But I am no expert.

I did have a question as well for anyone who will answer. One thing that I miss with STS is circuit style workouts, i like mixings weights and cardio together. I do that on certain days where I'll do cardio and do an STS workout, but I like when they are all mangled together. What I was thinking of doing is, in between each mesocycle, after my rest week, I wanted to do a week of just circuit workouts(like drill max, low impact circuit, etc) before heading into the following mesocycle. Do you think this would botch my strenght gains? Thanks!
I did have a question as well for anyone who will answer. One thing that I miss with STS is circuit style workouts, i like mixings weights and cardio together. I do that on certain days where I'll do cardio and do an STS workout, but I like when they are all mangled together. What I was thinking of doing is, in between each mesocycle, after my rest week, I wanted to do a week of just circuit workouts(like drill max, low impact circuit, etc) before heading into the following mesocycle. Do you think this would botch my strenght gains? Thanks!

Do you mean you will take a week of recovery and then do a circuit week, then go into the next Mesocycle? If so, I wouldn't do that. Because you're typically lifting lighter weights in the circuit workouts, it kind of defeats the purpose of STS and will throw the program off because it's not being used the way it's intended. If you want to incorporate a circuit-style approach, you could always throw in some cardio like jacks, running in place, etc in between sets. I would keep it light though; you don't want to tire yourself out before your next set. That's just my opinion though!

I sometimes miss the circuit workouts also during STS. On days I have the time, I would do STS and then a circuit-style workout or premix but only use the muscles I'd been working that day in STS. So for example if I did Drill Max on the same day as Chest & Back, I would do all the cardio segments from Drill Max as well as the weight work for chest & back, and just fast forward through the shoulder, bicep, tricep, etc while jogging in place. That doesn't sound like much of a circuit but it broke my boredom and the weights were light so I didn't get overworked.

Thanks, shannoncorrin. I see the rationale behind repeating 2 wks back to back. I'd read some STS 'results' posts and noticed more wt loss with Meso 1 followed by Meso 2 and not much with Meso 3. I was thinking along the lines of repeating Meso 1 back to back and maybe maximize my wt loss that way. I'm notorious for abandoning a rotation if I have to repeat anything. I have NO attention span and I thought repeating it this way would control my rotation ADD. Still thinking about how to do this.

Thanks again for responding. :D
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I did meso 1 2x, loved it, now I am in meso 2, week 4, only doing 1x and them meso 3 1x. This is working well for me. I find it hard and boring to lift heavy, so if I had to do meso 2 and 3 double, I would get too bored.

Hope this helps.

Thanks, Mary. Yes, since it looks as tho Meso 1 causes the most wt loss (if at all) that's the one I especially wanted to repeat. You're right...thinking about repeating all the Mesos makes me weary. However, if it yields even better results, I might can get through it. I actually like lifting heavy. It's the endurance workouts that wear me out! (I guess that's the point, isn't it?) :p

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