The Step at Walmart


I was just searching the internet for low prices on the full-size 40" length Step (I currently have the small 24" length one) and found them on the Walmart website for $57.44. I ordered one, and with shipping it was like $70-something. Not bad - particularly if you are a patient person and don't mind calling around to see if your local store has them in stock (I am obviously NOT this kind of person)!!
Just thought I'd pass it along ....hopefully I did not get ripped off!!!!

Hey Courtney :7

I bought my husband's from Walmart's website too. I think it was a good deal! There's a fitness store near my office that is selling them for $100. (The Walmart where I live doesn't carry the step - I guess it's too big and takes up too much floor space.)

BTW, I got my husband's in about a week even though they said it would take about 3 weeks for I hope that you get yours soon!

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