"The Sopranos" Addiction!


Since Saturday 06/01/02, DH and I have watched 20 episodes of "The Sopranos" from the DVD collections they have out, and I am hopelessly hooked. Which is a problem since I have no intention of getting cable, since I am a fading knee-jerk liberal who is supposed to be pro-feminist and anti-violence on TV, and since I have a real problem with people who get hooked on TV shows and watch them and talk about them endlessly (can you spell T-R-E-K-K-I-E?).

Is there any help for me?

In Search of a 12-Step Program
My parents had the complete first and second season on DVD and said how hooked they were. They loaned them to me and my husband and I watched all 26 in about a week and a half. I am dying for the third season to come out on DVD in August. There is no hope for our addiction! We also joked about a Sopranos 12 step program!
I had the same problem with the first season TWIN PEAKS DVD set and Sex and the CITY DVD sets. Watch, watch, watch, watch, watch, and when it is all said and over I'm still desperate for more. It is crazy. I don't watch regular TV shows on TV, only on DVD it seems. Weird.
Annette, what a riot! Just this year, my son and myself, finding nothing else to watch on a Sunday night, watched the last three episodes of the Sopranos, never having ever watched it before. We were hopelessly hooked. Since then, we have rented the whole first season and have 2 tapes left of the second season (1 of which I have waiting for us to watch today). Good day for it, it is pouring rain here in upstate NY and the foecast sucks for the whole weekend. Anyway, we will be caught up to the third season after that except that we will have no idea what happened in the earlier episodes this season unless they rerun them over the summer. I never even thought that I could get caught up in this. It reminds me of the Godfather movies, but with a twist of humor here and there and Tony seems to be the guy you have a real love/hate relationship with. Anyway, you're not the only one. Take care and have a great day. Mary

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