The paralyzed bride - soo inspirational!


WOW!!! I've seen/heard about Jennifer Darmon's story of how despite being paralyzed due to a car accident she was determined to walk down the aisle. This story brings tears to my eyes and makes my heart soar!!

The next time ANY of us think we can't get through a Cathe (or any other) workout, let's remember this brave, beautiful young lady and finish strong because WE are amazingly blessed to have two strong legs and let's finish extra strong BECAUSE WE CAN!! :D:D

I just watched this earlier tonight and, as usual, cried. It's so motivational and inspirational, isn't it??? We have NOTHING to complain about.
Hi Gayle,

I also totally tear up when I would hear about her determination. Her hubby is a pretty darned awesome guy to have stuck with her- I'm sure many men would bail!

I hope they have a wonderful, happy, healthy life together and that she will become independently mobil again very soon!

That is so sweet! Good for her for being so determined and strong...and good for her husband for being so loyal. That is a very promising, happy start to a wonderful marriage. :)
That is just beautiful! Coincidentally, we were working our legs HARD in class today and we were all moaning and groaning when we flipped over to do the other leg. I said to them, "We need to count our blessings we have TWO strong legs to work!" And, they all agreed! Thanks for sharing Pam!

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