The Oprah Show today


Disclaimer: I love Oprah!!! I know some people don't. And, I'm not usually star struck. I am star struck with Oprah. (Okay, maybe Richard Gere and George Clooney too, but that's it!)

Today's show was so empowering to older women. It was such a nice show and discussed Dove's new marketing campaign. All of the women depicted in the show had a few things in common.

1. All talked about eating well.
2. All exercised faithfully.

I think most of them didn't have significant others and all seemed to have a passion about what they did and the lives they led.

AND, they were all beautiful. They had women from their 40's to 70. They looked great!!!!!!!!!

If you can catch it later (it plays on my cable network again at 7 on channel 55) I think it's worth the hour.

>I think most of them didn't have significant others

Yes, they were mostly single. I'm CONVINCED this the real secret to looking young! :p

I love Oprah, too. You're not alone. Today's show was great. It was so inspiring. Diet, exercise and a positive outlook can do amazing things.
I'm thinking that you're right. I know my DH is responsible for many wrinkles...

But I do like what the show is saying - that we're all beautiful. These women in the new Dove campaign are pretty, but they are not people who would make you look twice at them on the street, except maybe simply through the sheer vitality that comes through from them.
Did you see that amazing woman who was 70???!!!!! She looked incredible - like maybe in her 30s. What was her secret? Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
Annette Bethel

I was flipping through the tv show yesterday as well when I saw that. What struck me was these women did not look their ages. And I believe following their passion made all the difference. Also, having their children grown and out of the house probably helps as well as not having a signficant other. Which sometimes is a hinderance more so than it helps.

As much as admire these women, it does take a job or money or being extremely wealthy to do. I suppose that many women today don't think about a passion when just scraping by and trying to raise kids and paying bills, etc. But I must add that having an online support group of exercising women, makes us passion about fitness and exercise! And that is something to be said. So in a sense I guess we are all passionate and we have to thank Cathe for enabling us to have a forum as well as her vids. Cathe is a great enabler ;D.
Actually, it's not all about having money or being wealthy. It's about discovering your passion and finding out how to make that passion work for you. One woman is an equestrian and she started an online dating service for horse owners - figuring that horse people would understand each other better than non-horse owners.

I think it's easy to tell ourselves that IF we had this or IF we had that, we could be more, do more, have more... But, I'm starting to realize as I age that having more, doing more, being more is all with in my reach. My only limitation is myself (and believe me -that can be a huge limitation!). If you want something badly enough you will find a way to get it. And that was certainly one thing that all of these women had in common - the words "I cannot" were not in their vocabulary.
very well said. I read also recently that the secret to looking younger and feeling great is just by breathing. Take some time throughout the day and focus on breathing and just sitting contently. It changes how you feel on the inside and that changes how you look on the outside as well. JM2C:)

You know, I don't really think it's so much about not having a significant other as it is taking the time to discover who you are and to do the things you love. I think oftentimes attached women give up too much of themselves to be part of a relationship. We're just trained to put everyone else first.

Great show! I couldn't believe that woman was 70. And I thought they were all beautiful. I don't think "beautiful" needs to mean head-turning. I think it means glowing, zestful, and full of life.


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