<---the lovers, the dreamers and me

<--jumps in to say good afternoon to all
<--has been bad...slept in until 8:30, drank some coffee and ate brekkie..that's it!!
<--is such a slug sometimes!!
<--is sending out tons of hugs and prayers to Judy and DH
<--cannot even imagine the pain their group is going through
<--continues to send thoughts and prayers to Tammy and Mom
<--hopes everyone who celebrates, has a happy St. Patrick's day
<--hopes Robin gets the painting done
<--is also craving cherry pie:9
<--is also relieved that Catherine's hearing loss has stabilized
<--thinks <--sometimes have a 'listening' loss;)
<--agrees with Michele about seasonal depression
<--says in my area of Ohio we do have about 3-4 inches of snow
<--feels badly for Debbie's DH crawling out the window to shovel
<--thinks <--would drink coffee and watch if that happened here}(
<--is glad Shannon finally got her dial up
<--says dial up is better than nuthin'
<--waves to kims and loves posting here, too
<--hates when <--'m too busy or tired from working late to keep in touch
<--better go get some work done
<--hope to bbl
<--waves good afternoon
<--wonders what caused Catherine's hearing loss?
<--is amazed that Shannon is connected from home, even if it is the dreaded <gasp> dial-up
<--is also amazed that Deb's front door didn't open this morning :eek:
<--waves hi to kims
<--will have to find out what's up with Judy
<--thinks A3 sounds pretty excited today
<--thinks St. Patrick's Day is definitely MSY's holiday
<--thinks the auburn hair and fair skin sound lovely
<--used to look like Snow White in her youth, but skin has darkened over the many decades :p
<--like Ame, for some strange reason, can't drink more than one glass of wine anymore :(
<--will not do the wine pairing at Le Bernardin, just the tasting menu :(
<--wonders what elainee thinks of <--
<--woke at 9:30, but decided it was too early to get up
<--went back for 3 hours }(
<--asks elainee if she still feels like a slug?
<--is the sluggiest of all of youse! :p
<--will fight anyone who wants to usurp her title :p :+
FancyNancy the Slug
<--is so very sorry for Judy and The Ed!
<--really hopes Judy's DH realizes that some things are just beyond his control
<--cannot imagine what it would be like to lose a child and a husband in a 2-yr. period
<--sends big hugs to Judy, her DH and her friend
FN the Slug
<---is taking a short PB&J sammich break from painting
<---actually found a kind of zen calmness while painting doors
<---has painted 4 doors and has 2 to go
<---bets it sounds like this is some kind of palatial bedroom, but it's just a dinky little 9 x 15 room
<---says it has a bathroom off it, and 2 small closets with 2 doors each
<---thinks MSY sounds lovely and always wished she had auburn hair
<---'s mother was a red head, but dad was a very swarthy Armenian
<---thinks it's funny, though, when dad was shot down over Germany and captured by the Nazis, they gave him an ID card that described his complextion as pale
<---thinks if you were shot down, the only one on the B-17 who survived, had a gunshot wound in your leg and was a prisoner of war, maybe you would be pale
<---has wasted to much time telling you my dad's story
<---heads back to the doors
<--is glad Robin finds zen calmness while painting
<--would be far from calm when painting!!
<--tells Nancy it's about time sleeping beauty arrived LOL!
<--also tells MsFN <--hearing loss is d/t a hereditary condition called otosclerosis (the bones that transmit sound from the eardrum to the audtiory nerve don't move like they are supposed to)
<--tells elainee <--thinks it's ok to feel like a slug!!
<--joins Amy and Nanc in the one glass of wine club
<--is off to take a nap!!!
<--lurvs naps


<--has adopted a new signature in honor of her birthday
<--says her worst fear is not becoming old in years, but becoming old in attitude
<--says every time she sees her "boss" cursing at the new technology, <-- thinks "he's so old"
<--says it has nothing to do with him being 74
<--dreads the day she stops being open to new ideas and stops evolving!
<--loves Robin's story about her Dad!
<--wonders if Cath's condition is progressive or whether it can stabilize permanently?
<--is glad that Cath got good news from the doc
<--really should get to the dry cleaner and gym
FancyNancy the Queen of Slugs :p
<--has just cleaned out and organized large cabinet in utility room which was a catchall for everything
<--loves throwing stuff out
<--has too much stuffx(
<--would never find any kind of calm painting...but does enjoy ironing
<--says okay...so <--am crazy
<--actually just bought a new iron and can't wait to try it out
<--guess <--'m not such a slug afterall
<--says, however, <--can still drink more than one glass of wine}(
<--says <--plan to do so this evening
<--thinks that <--weight problem is partly due to the weekend wine slurping
<--will try to figure something else to stop shoving into <--mouth to lose alittle more weight
<--tells NTF that <--sleeping in until 8:30 is four more hours than <--normally get!
<--usually wake up at 4:15 to workout before work
<--better to get back to work
<--sends all of her wrinkled clothes to elainee for pressing :p
<--tells Nancy that <--hearing could stay stable or could worsen
<--has the option for a surgical correction but chooses not to at this point-but will if it worsens
<--'s mom is deaf in one ear and practically deaf in the other :(
<--likes Nancy's new signature!!


<-- wonders if FN knows her avatar is dysfunctional?
<-- should be uploading photos, too, btw
<-- hopes FN's mom enjoys the flowers; <-- think it is a lovely idea!
<-- can't remember what we did for MIL's anniversary
<-- bought 3 boxes of GS cookies from the most adorable troop *ever* and then <-- left, and <-- called mom, and then <-- went back and bought 7 boxes for her!!!
<-- says the troop was *so* cute about selling 7 boxes, LOL
<-- wishes <-- could have picked them up, shrunk them down, and put them in <--'s pocket!!! :7
<-- has done a lot today, but there is still so much left to do...
<-- will send everything good to Judy and her DH, but <-- is somehow missing why
<-- will therefore send everything good because Judy and her DH need it, which is enough
<-- should also tell youse that G&G went to the vet yesterday for their annual visit and they got a purfectly clean bill of health! :D
<-- is such a Mom, LOL
<-- also has a car that got a clean bill of health from the smog test guy today!! :D
<-- hopes to keep driving that dude for a looong time
<-- bought containers today! This means <-- get to organize!!! :7
<-- hopes your Saturdays are wonderful and lovely
<--wonders if Ame was referring to the little green smilie face?
<--doesn't think there's a problem with her actual avatar, right?
<--got rid of the coffee face which did appear to be dysfunctional
<--thanks Ame for the flower support!
<--is officially over her birthday depression
<--is now feeling quite okay about the birthday! :D
<--had a lovely workout at the gym
<--must do some Jari Love
<--thanks Ame again for the Get Ripped video :D
<--says it feels relatively easy, but gives results!
FN the Queen of Slugs
<-- has never considered a Ripped workout easy, to tell the truth
<-- just appreciates the slower pace a lot of the days <-- uses it, since there isn't much chatter involved
<-- sees (at the left, what the <-- points to) only a message from picturetrail that says the image has moved on FN's avatar
<-- doesn't understand it
<-- also sees no face, coffee or otherwise, in FN's signature
<-- is going to pay the car registration now; doesn't that sound like fun?? :7 <-- is just glad it's online :7
<---is glad Nancy likes Jari, since <--just got a DVD yesterday
<---has a hard time with her Barbie looks and sexy voice though
<---is glad Ame's babies and car are healthy
<---has completely about 1/2 the trim work and really hopes to get all the painting done tomarrow
<---is simmering a rice concotion now and sipping a glass of a NY white until it is time to roast the salmon
<---sent DH to basement to look for a bottle wine to go with dinner
<---hopes Catherine never requires the surgery
<---says my boss has a non-functional ear ( some kind of birth defect) and on Talk Like a Pirate Day we gave him an ear-patch
<---says he laughed - he's a good guy
<---LOL at elainee being excited about her new iron
<---thinks maybe elainee should get out more
<--thinks she fixed the avatar situation
<--asks for some confirmation, please?
<--has a thought for Ame, and will send a PM after Jari
ETa:<--thinks <-- uses MUCH lighter weights than Ame!
<-- absolutely loves TLAP Day stories
<-- has a bootcamper who can't hear in one ear
<-- believes he turns his head in the other direction from the way he should, though, which confuses the life out of <--
<-- hopes Robin has a lovely rice, <-- mean wine
<-- is aboot to place an order for clothes from the Adidas catalog!
<-- gets an instructor discount, you know }( }( }( :p
<-- never knew aboot the discounts }( :D

ETA: <-- confirms that yup, Fancy Nancy is back!!! :D
<--is in the middle of Get Ripped and tells Ame that this is the only WO <-- has ever done where <-- can do as many push-ups as the instructor!
<--cannot imagine that Ame, the Bootcamp Instructor, can find that part challenging
<--says despite the "easiness" of the WO, <-- is developing triceps of steel! :D
<-- has completely gotten out of being able to do pushups for some insane awful reason x(
<-- is proud of Nance
<-- is currently doing P90X because <-- can't do pushups right now to save <--'s soul :-(
<--is having trouble believing that Ame can't do pushups
<--generally avoids things with names like "Bootcamp" and "Platoon" because she assumes there are endless pushups
<--thanks Ame for being proud of <--
<--is also developing a bit of quad definition
<--adores the look of defined quads
<--doesn't think Jari looks like a barbie doll
<--would love to look like a barbie doll, but would not really want to look like Jari
<--would rather look like Cathe than any of the above!
<-- is impressed by anyone w/ quad definition
<-- hopes Nance didn't take the "proud" comment as condescending or anything
<-- generally never tells anyone <-- would be condescending that <-- is proud of them
<-- did think Jari looked like a Barbi attempt at first, but <-- is used to her after a few workouts and <-- can just ignore that potential
<-- is off to get more insulin
<--LOVES that Ame is proud of <--!
<--wishes Ame could be her personal trainer!
<--likes Jari's friendly, encouraging personality and thinks that really works for <--
<--- waves hello to the evening crew
<--- is just getting ready to do Jari's S&L
<--- would have to say that Jari is a cross between Barbie and a porn star:p :7
<--- likes her workouts, though, despite some of the glaring mistakes, like calling a squat a dead lift -- or was it the other way around?
<--- says the Haters once chronicled all of the mistakes in S&L but she can't remember them now
<--- still does the workouts and actually likes them quite a bit
<--- got sick of ironing DH's 100% Egyptian cotton tall man shirts with with 36" sleeves and french cuffs:eek:
<--- now sends them out and doesn't know why she EVER ironed them in the 1st place
<--- says DH is fussy about his clothes because he gets too hot in synthetics and he has to wear a lab coat, too
<--- really hopes Catherine never needs surgery!
<--- will be interested to hear about Nance's long term results with that skin care line
<--- uses Derma Doctor products and loves them, but hasn't tried anything else in years
<--- cannot get over how productive Robin was today
<--- really really really wants to see pictures of the room!
<--- hopes Robin and Mr Robin have a lovely romantic interlude:+
<--- wonders if she ever showed the <--- posters her new shoes
<--- got them for Italy
<--- says they are kind of clunky but really comfy
<--- better get cracking on her workout
<--- might BBL

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