<---the lovers, the dreamers and me


<---croons more lyrics from baby's CD
<---says it was DD listening to it in the shower this morning
<---says she and the baby spent the night here and missed Jay's uncle's viewing due to the weather, but she will head out for the funeral soon
<---will be babysitting, but hope to have them come get baby so <--can get some painting done
<---also has to get to B&G, since <--missed it yesterday
<---plans on making a cherry pie today too
<---needs a coffee refill now
<---hopes you all have a fun filled day doing something other then shoveling snow
<--Waves with a smiley mug of java!!
<--has been out of it this week so <--hasn't been posting much
<--needs to get her groove on
<--got good news at ENT appt yesterday <--'s hearing loss is stable
<--tells self life is good, but just can not shake this yukky mood!!
<--tells Robin home made cherry pie sounds YUMMY!!
<--will go well with the golden pot
<--hopes everyone is doing well!!


<--- is very sad
<--- cannot explain twice
<--- check 'Cheetah St.Ptrick's' thread

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
<---waves a big hello to everyone!
<---is now officially connected at home
<---is the proud user of.... drumroll please.... dial up!
<---thinks it's slower than molasses
<---hopes Robin has a good day babysitting
<---wants to know how the baby is doing
<---will email to ask for details
<---is glad Catherine's hearing loss is stable
<---has also been out of the loop and didn't know it was a problem
<---hopes everyone has a great Saturday!
<---sends Cath los of motivational vibes
<---loves GSL and never needs motivation to do it
<---tells Robin that - oops - does not have her email address at home, so that email won't be coming....
<---waves to the girlies
<---says major love & hugs to Judy and family
<---sends a happy boot in the bum to Cath ;)
<---is glad Shannon is connected
<---says, what UP fellow coffee junkies? MWAH.
<---is LOLing b/c DH had to climb out the bedroom window this morning
<---says ice froze our front door and we couldn't get out :eek:
<---thinks there is prob 4ish inches but is covered in ice
<---DH is shoveling & jamming to the ipod while <---drinks coffee chills with da boybster
<---will grocery shop eventually
<---sends peace, love, and lots o' green grub


I ask people why they have deer heads on their walls. They always say because it's such a beautiful animal. There you go. I think my mother is attractive, but I have photographs of her.
Ellen DeGeneres
<--sends hugs to everyone
<--now wants some cherry pie
<--is very 'tared' today
<--hates to work
<--kinda likes to work ;)
<--likes to post on these threads
<--thinks it's too cute
<--but sometimes gets overwhelmed when there are already 40+ posts
<--wishes EVERYONE a great weekend
<--wishes EVERYONE to be happy and content :)
<---ditto Shelley's hugs to Judy and THE ED
<---will be thinking and praying about them today
<---and also other Cathe friends in pain
<---is glad to hear (sorry to use that word) that Catherine's hearing loss has stabilized
<---would love to share cherry pie
<---is wasting a few precious moments before B&G
<---adds that DD and her SO took Greyor (another aunt will babysit)
<---will send email to Shannon
<---later all
<--waves morning glories
<--sends (((HUGE HUGS))) to Judy and Ed
<--adds in a few more ((HUGS)) for Judy
<--wishes y'all a Happy St. Patrick's Day
<--still has to figure out how to get DS#2 back to school
<--loves that song
<-WAVES GOOD BYE!:) :D :7 !
<--- starts with {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and prayers for Judy and Ed
<--- will offer prayers for Judy's friends, too
<--- loves todays thread title
<--- is on her way to Robin's for cherry pie and coffee
<--- will leave before romance commences;)
<--- will not be shoveling snow, but will be shoveling dust off her furniture:eek:
<--- is relieved that Catherine's hearing loss has stabilized yet shocked because she didn't know Catherine had hearing problems
<--- tells Cath to get moving!! :p
<--- shouts CUZ!!!!!!!
<--- is jumping up and down for joy over Cuz's internet connection!
<--- tells her never, ever to disconnect her service again or she'll have to come down there:p :7
<--- will need Cuz'z new email address
<--- tells Deb that was no ice that locked her in}( :p
<--- is sending eye glass lovin vibes to Shelley and Sophie and hopes for a picture of the Queen in her new specs!
<--- tells Kim that she is also overwhelmed by large post counts
<--- is glad Robin has the day off from babysitting
<--- hopes Tammy can get her DS back to school
<--- is gearing up for the workout tomorrow:D :D :D
<--- slept in late, at least as long as kitty would let her -- lol!
<--- wants to be productive today
<--- has had a lazy streak lately and is trying to pull herself out of the slump
<--- isn't sure if it's truly sloth or the ravages of seasonal depression
<--- is feeling more optimistic with the sunshine streaming in her window
<--- is sorry for all those with snow up to here
<--- says it is cold here, but dry and sunny
<--- needs refill from the golden pot:*
<--- says Happy St Patty's day to A3 and wonders why she's shouting so early in the morning -- lol!
<---waves happy day to Michele
<---hopes the sunshine on her shoulders makes her happy
<---explains to kim that you can skim if you don't have time and just reply to the last post on this thread
<---adds or you can just post whatever comes off the top of your head like me
<---is taking a very short break between standing and floor work of B&G
<---wishes she could say she enjoyed this workout, but <--thinks it is just too hard
<---will probably be joining A3 in the wine toasts today
<---hopes Tammy gets DS safely back to school
<---sighes deeply, because it's time to get back to the WO
<--says crap!! <--just typed a whole post and lost it x(
<--sending Robin good workout vibes to finish B&G
<--agrees that B&G is touch
<--just finished GSL
<--hasn't done that one in forever
<--sending warm weather vibes to Deb and anyone else who needs it
<--forgot it is St Patty's day till <--read Tammy's and A3's posts
<--doesn't have anything green to wear :(
<--may <--should go shopping }(
<--passes the golden pot to Michele


<---is Irish (auburn hair and the whitest skin ever seen)
<---'s dad's name is Patrick
<---'s parents used to throw a party every year

<---just read Judy's post in the check-in thread
<---is so sorry for Judy and really feels for her hubby
<---will be praying for Judy's friend (<---cannot imagine losing daughter and husband)

<---will bbl
<-- is glad to be here today!
<-- hasn't read, of course x(
<-- has a big list of errands, etc to get done today
<-- doesn't care for the silly frog song ;-)
<-- can only hear the "nwah, na na naaaa na na nahhhh" that comes right after it :eek:
<-- wants the movie to just keep going already, LOL
<-- also hates the stupid bird song in Mary Poppins for the same reason }(
<-- really hopes some of you could follow ^^^ ;-)
<-- had a lovely date type thing with DH last night
<-- went to an okay place for dinner, but we walked there and then we came home, basically
<-- had intended to walk on a hike type thing with him, go to dinner, and then a movie, but we just made it into a walk to dinnner and that worked out almost better
<-- can officially no longer drink more than one glass of wine x(
<-- feels like a bit of a wuss about ^^, but oh well
<-- forgot to say happy green day!
<-- has to go find <--'s green shirt now :p
<---sends hugs to Judy and DH
<---needs to find out why!
<---apparently missed something important
<---tells Robin <--- got her PM and replied
<---tells Cuz to keep on using the Yahoo email address - you should already have it, hopefully!
<---thinks <--- might just disconnect from the internet if it means Cuz will come down here!!!
<---forgot it was St. Patty's day
<---needs to get a-movin'

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