The importance of WATER


I am feeling super crappy lately, and I can't figure out why. Tired, achey, sick to my stomach, etc.

I work out with Cathe six days a week [early mornings], and I drink mainly coffee through the day -- usually about 3 cups.

I drink water too, but not very much. I don't drink any soda or anything sugary.

What am I doing to myself with this? Is this affecting my weight loss efforts?
Could be over-training, too, and time to take a break. Why don't you take a week off from exercise plus up your water intake?
I think you might be overtraining and dehydrated. Do you just not like to drink water or you just don't remember to? If you don't mind drinking water, maybe just try to have a glass when you get up, one before every meal, one before and after your workout, one before bed. That's 7 glasses of water a day, and you can see in a couple of days if you feel better. Otherwise, you might be fighting a little bug of some sort? You could pop into your doc's office to have it checked out, or just maybe take a couple of days and get some extra sleep and rest whenever you can.
Try for a week to increase your water consciously and see if you feel better. You are probably dehydrated. Coffee can have a diuretic effect so it definitely should not be your primary source for hydration. I'm also curious how your eating is? Are you getting enough fresh fruits and veggies and protein in your diet? Also as far as overtraining goes, sometimes when you've been at it for a long time, it is good to take a recovery week and let your body recharge. I just took one and I feel great. :)

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