The Firm & Cathe



I was wondering if there is anyone out there who still uses the The Firm? If so, which videos do you still use?

I have found that after using Cathe's videos, I am able to lift heavier when I do the Firm videos. I happen to "love" cardo and weights together and the Firm fits into my rotation nicely as a nice change of pace.

I almost never do them, but I still own the two Tough Tapes, and the Tortoise. I do them maybe once a year, if that.

I started out with the Firm, but switched to Cathe in 96 I think. I got rid of all my other firms and the last new one I bought was the set called StrongHeart/StrongBody.
I started out with the FIRM way back when, in '86, I guess, with Volume 1 when they were $50 per video...I still have all the classics, and quite a few others. They'll always be special to me and I still do them occasionally...though I must admit I've been on a Cathe, particularly an Intensity Series kick, for quite sometime now. I do have 5 of the FitPrimes and I like them a lot...manage to get them in my rotation pretty regularly. I've been kind of tempted by the new Firms that have just come out, BSS2, but I think I have enough...I preordered the Body Blast series and can't wait for 'em! But I think variety is good and the Firm and FitPrime complement Cathe very nicely. :)
I tried to do Vol. 1 the other day, and I turned it off. I was shocked that it bugged me so much. I guess I'm just used to Cathe, and Susan is just so "breathy".
I use my firms and fitprimes weekly.I do a intense cathe and the next day I will do either firm or fitprime.And sometimes after a cathe workout of 20 min I will add 5- to 10 min of one of these tapes.I started out with the firm that is where I learned about lifting wts.But over the years have gave away alot of my tapes thinking I was"to advanced for them".But have learned that you can make things as tough as you want them.I do not use them as strengh tapes but as crosstrainer cardios.I like the style of mixing cardio&wts and it is different than any tape of cathe's.I love fitprimes new tapes and plan on buying them.Strong bear is a good leg tape I skip the upper body portions.The firm's new first set was not very good so I gave it away.I have been eyeing the firm set 2 but want to buy other things right now like mindy mylrea's new interval tape that is now on dvd and a winsor pilate dvd.I have the following firms and all the fitprimes except for core first and wts first.
5 day abs-I do everyother day(alt. cathe's)
vol 2
vol 3
time crunch
the hare
cardio sculpt blaster
tough cardio mix
super cardio mix {great pure cardio)
and the part tapes I never use
I use the vol tapes more than any others I use to have about all of them but gave them away.and now some are going for $60 on ebay.
I am starting to work The Firms into my rotations a little more. Not the older workouts though...UGGGHHHH..can't stand em. Typically it is TT2 or Firm Strength. Just got the new ones Cardio Sculpt, Body Sculpt and Ab Sculpt. I do these on a day I want to get everything in but just don't have either the physical or mental energy needed for a Cathe tape!! My friends seem to like it as something different!

Regarding FitPrime - I see that they are going to use a "rebounder" (looks like a mini-trampoline) Does anyone know anything about this? I like the first seven, but I have enough between weights, steps, dumbbells, barbells, etc. to buy something else. THe new video is called G-Force with Tracie Long. I may buy the new Suzn Harris videos if I can get a video sample off of a website somewhere.

Right now, I am looking more forward to Cathe's new DVDs (especially the timesaver one). :7
RE: The Firm & Cathe

I have several FIRM tapes. I like them because they aren't as long. I have some Kathy Smith tapes that I use also.I like variety and think all these tapes have something to offer. I don't like the background and some of the instructors on the old FIRM series, but they do work. I really like the stretching in the new ones. I am 40, and seem to need more stretching than I use to. I like the tough tapes, because they are relatively short, but tough, especially if you use a little extra weight with them. I don't have a lot of time to exercise, but I like to be consistant about it, and the FIRM tapes allow me to get a decent workout in under an hour. I am not sure how many FIRM tapes I have, but my favorites are one with Sandal, Total Body Workout with Weighs,(Its an interval tape) and Standing Legs, its a mix of other FIRM tapes. It is a very good lower body workout. One other thing. FIRM tapes are cheap! The last ones I bought in a set of 4 for 19.95 at WAL-MART. I think the new ones are a little on the easy side, but when you up the weights on those they offer a good workout too. Cathe is my favorite though. Sometimes I just do part of one of her tapes.
rebounders are awesome cardio. i'm very interested in the w/o but don't buy their rebounder!!! the price for vid and rebounder is $339.00! that's crazy! i've seen quality rebounders around $150.00.
I have the complete Firm collection except the new 2002-2003 ones. I like them for the cardio/weights combination - I can get a good overall workout in an hour. I'm also nostalgic - I bought my first Firm back in 1991 when they cost $50 and they got me started on weight workouts.

Of my collection, the only ones I use regularly these days are Cardio Step Mix (low impact step cardio), Super Cardio (high impact floor cardio), Super Sculpting (weights), Total Body Shaping Mix (weights and a little cardio), Tough Tape (weights) and Sculpted Buns Hips and Thighs (floorwork and abs).
I'm another one who bought the classics for $50 a pop and Boy! have I gotten my money's worth!

I still get a great workout from them, most notably Vols 1 and 3. I will never part with them. If I don't do Vol. 1 for more than a week, I am very sore the next day, no matter what I've been doing.

I also use a few times per month:

Total Body Shaping Mix
Tough Tape
Super Sculpting
I use Cathe, the Firm (either TT, FS, or SS only), and FitPrime exclusively. I do an upper body 1-2x a week, a total body 1x a week, run 6 days a week. This regimen has dropped my body fat percentage from 32% to 16%. :D

Truthfully, I like Cathe's strength tapes because they are all business and no fluff, straight to the point workouts, but I like some variety in my workouts and there are times I feel like I need to shake my body up by doing something different.
I too bought my first Firm back in '93 it was Volume 2. The Firm is what introduced me to weight training and gave me great results. But I started to plateau with them and then found the fabulous Cahte. Although I've been on a Cathe kick for quite a while, I still pop in a Firm now and then for the "shock" value.

I currently own about 40 Firms and haven't seen the latest ones out there. I stick to the workouts that Anna Benson designed.

Count me in as a Firm/Cathe addict as well! I bought my first $50.00 FIRM back in 86 when there was only one. I also own about 40 FIRMs. I found out about Cathe on the FIRMbelievers website when the forum was still free and I have never looked back since.

I use Cathe more these days but like so many of you have already said, the workouts do compliment each other quite well and I find now when I do a FIRM I feel it more.


I am on a Firm rotation now and I have to tell you that it has given me a run for my money. I have been sweating up a storm? I really love getting in a "total body workout" in 1 hour with the cardio thrown in. I do enjoy interval training and it appears my body likes it too. I absolutely adore Cathe and she has taught me so much with regards to form etc. I love her strength workouts, but her cardio is entirely too high impact for me. I am trying to preserve my knees as I think I will be needing them later in life. :D I switch back and forth between Cathe and The Firm.
RE: The Firm & Cathe

I do the same as Sheila, rotate my Firms and Cathes.

I mainly do the Classics (Vols 1-6), Firm Strength, MBS, Firm Cardio, etc. I alternate these with my Cathe strength ~ PH, MIS, S&H, PS.

I have to qualify and say that all my Firms are older ones. I don't own a single new one as I don't think they are as effective. The older ones might be corny, but THEY WORK ~ 'nough said! :p
RE: The Firm & Cathe

I'm a die hard firmie for life. They started me on my fitness journal and I can't get rid of any of my firm tapes. To sentinmental to me LOL. I absoutley adore Cathe though.

Shanda ;)
RE: The Firm & Cathe

I am another Firmie although I am not impressed with the "new" Firm. I try to do Vol.1 several times a month because I think it is GREAT for legs and Abs.
~~~from sea to shining sea~~~~

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