I brought mom home from the hospital today and she is doing much better (and thanks for asking). They put her in a "step down" facility because she was so sick - which translated meant a nursing home (just for a week to monitor her progress) and she called me the first morning and said"come and get me"....I don't blame her one bit. Don't get old guys. Better yet...don't stop moving, NEVER stop moving.

Smellin really good in here!! Central/West Wisconsin, I'll leave the light on!


My DH took over the computer...something about our future and making a living and feeding everyone...blah, blah, blah:p

I truly admire you. Please give your mom a hug and tell her there's a adoptive mom in GA that loves her.

And I know to never stop moving. They bury you when you stop moving. Except that I've left instructions to donate my good organs and cremate me and that would be much worse if I weren't dead but "just not moving". I hope you take that in the spirit in which it was intended.

Still moving in GA...g'nite.

P.S. I gonna stop moving now at 1:21 AM. Growing up is tough!
it's 1:27 AM

>Growing up is tough!

So let's not and let them "think" we did

Briee (G'night Mel - I love these latenight talks with you)

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