The current Cathe w/o I'm doing always is my favorite :...


I've been trying to figure out which upper body w/o is my favorite and gives me the best results. At first when I got the GS series, I thought they were just o.k. so I hardly did them. I really was drawn to CTX Upper Body and thought it was quite good. Then I'd throw in a PUB every now and then and liked it. A few weeks ago, I started the GS series again and absolutely loved them and thought they were the best. Then I'd put in CTX UB and thought that was the best. A couple of weeks ago I did Triceps and Biceps and yep, you guessed it, I thought that was the best. Today I did PUB and thought IT was the bomb! Bottom line, they're all great and are ALL my favorite. I think they just keep getting better the more you do them. At least that's what's happening with me. You're going to get results with any of her workouts. Hmmm, I haven't done Chest & Back for awhile. Wonder which one'll get bumped from the top spot by the time I do that one. }(

RE: The current Cathe w/o I'm doing always is my favori...


I'm the same way, whatever Cathe w/o I do on a given day or series in a rotation seems to be my fave. I have never really been able to just choose one and say it's my fave weight or cardio w/o.
RE: The current Cathe w/o I'm doing always is my favori...

As they say, variety is the spice of life ---- along with cumin and cayenne of course! :p

Oh I do that too! When I haven't done a workout in a while it feels so fresh and it becomes my current favorite! :)


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