The crazy coffee addiction....


Anyone hear me on this one?:9.Well, I know for a fact (or I thought that I was) addicted to this terrible bean.
Every morning when I would get up, I would pull on my pants and head out the door for one and then start my day carrying a cup around with me and warming it up numerous times through out the morning.But recently my husband and I started talking about how much money we waste.And coffee was one of the things we talked about.We both would buy 6 large coffee a day between us.Averaging about $10 a day.Thats $70 a week :-wow.Thats alot of money.But not just that, the only one that I would drink in it's entirety is my morning coffee.So, we cut back to one coffee a day and I feel perfect.
But excercise is a wonderful thing.Over the past month I have been getting up at around 6:00 to work out and after I have finished my workout I don't need a coffee.I am on cloud nine , full of energy and ready to start my day.I don't think caffine would make me feel this energized.Yesterday morning I did Rythmic Step and Slow and heavy legs.When I finished, my coffee was there waiting for me.I warmed it up,took a couple sips,warmed it up again , took some more and then through it down the drain.I probably drank about 3 0z of it.
We all know that coffee isn't good for us.And maybe I will come to realize that I may need afternoon coffee instead a morning coffee, to get me out of that afternoon slump.
I just thought that it would be a good topic to bring up.I am sure that I am not the only one around here that depends on this stuff like oxygen but really we don't need it.Just try to cut back .You'll save yourself some dough and save your body from it's horrrible effects.
I hear you Lori!! Loud and clear! I am truly an addict, and plan to stay that way. It' my only vice! I have the coffee maker turn itself on 10 minutes before I get out of bed. This is my way of thinking; I gave up smoking, eating badly, sugar, stimulants to say thin, and most recently diet Coke. I also can't drive past a Tim Horton's or a Caribou Coffee without a stop. You are a stronger woman than I!!!
I drink 3-4 cups every morning, and I just love coffee. I put Vanilla Soy Milk in it, and it is so good. As a matter of fact, I am enjoying my 3rd cup right now........
Lori S.
Well, I am one that believes that it is the HABIT of the coffee (or for that matter the cig) and not the physical addiction that keeps us doing these things (not for all but for most)

No doubt caffeine is a drug and has effects. But clearly from your description, what you were addicted to was carrying around the coffe and not drinking it! And even if you had drunk all of that, I'm guessing that your physical withdrawal would have been over in a matter of a couple three days. Now the psychological addiction takes a lot longer and sometimes forever.

Many years ago I would get up and slam a cup and then go for a 3-mile run. My BIL, who works in the medical field, pointed out that the caffeine was probably raising my blood pressure and maybe that wasn't such a great idea if I was going to work out. I decided to drink my coffee AFTER and guess what? - no problem.

Now I still drink my coffee - after my workout. I drink it for taste. But if I don't feel like it, I skip it. No problem.

Just please don't ask me about "that crazy cookie addiction!" LOL
Yes Lori - I have an addiction as well! I admire the fact that you can go without now... even that you get up early in the morning to work out - I can NOT do that.... takes enough energy for me to crawl out from under the covers every morning when I'm all warm and cozy. ;-) But, I have to have my coffee. As another poster stated, it's my only vice (for the most part). I gave up my beer and wine during the week (too many awful calories) but I just can't give up my coffee. I hate that headhachey feeling when I don't get it. I have limited myself to 2 cups in the morning and I get free coffee at work so it doesn't cost me anything thank goodness. Today is another story however, since I'm working from home due to the snow. I just polished off 3.5 cups of pumpkin spice coffee!!
I gave it up last week. Although I wasn't a heavy consumer (2 mugs in the morning,) my daily coffee was a ritual. My biggest concern was that I have read that caffine inhibits the absorbtion of calcium into the body, and I definitely don't want to do that. I will turn 43 this month, and as I age I think more and more about keeping my bones strong and healthy. I have started to drink caffine-free herbal teas instead, so I can still maintain my ritual :).
Hi All,

I gave up coffee about 6 or 7 weeks ago, I was drinking 8-10 cups a day with 2 sweetners in each cup. I cut down to de-caff, had dreadful migrainey type headaches for about 10 days, but I still wasn't happy about the amount of sweetners I was still consuming, so I stopped the decaff coffee, and switched back to decaff tea, because I can't bear sweet tea. And I have never felt better :D

Anna :)
I could never give up my coffee, love it, love it. I cannot imagine working out before having my two cups morning cups. I do try to maintain a 3 cup limit for the day. Recently had a ginger bread latte' from starbucks and it was so delicious. I normally don't care for flavored coffees but this was exceptionally good.
Oh, you guys are my conscience. I just started drinking a cup a day because it's so cozy in the winter. The chemical they use to decaffeinate coffee is a known carcinogen (formaldehyde) so I drank regular. Caffeine is hard on your kidneys and adrenal glands and makes you excrete calcium. Calcium is necessary for the process of metabolizing fat, without calcium your body hangs onto fat harder. Sugar in your coffee is bad for your insulin and energy levels and depletes chromium from your body which makes you depressed. Artificial sweeteners give headaches and maybe tumors. The yummy creamers are either full of fat or partially hydrogenated oils which clog your arteries. We can't win! And if you skip a day of coffee you get a headache and have to take an advil or motrin and those kill your kidneys.

I guess I'll go back to herbal tea too.

Seriously I think coffee's a pretty harmless habit, but sometimes I wish I didn't know so much about food.

See,I knew I wasn't alone:).Well,I never drink coffee before I work out in the morning.The only coffee I feel that wakes me up is the coffee shop stuff.I think right now I could use one though b/c I have to tackle IMAX now.I like doing Powerstrike in the mornings cause you don't have to think about what you are doing to much,don't have to worry about tripping over your step and you don't have to bounce around as much either.
When I went on vaca,I had my tim horton's coofee on Sunday(when we left) I didn't have another coffee until tuesday.And I was ready to hang myself.I had a awful headache.But I guess that the one cup I have helps me just enough.
But there is a little coffee shop around to , that makes Butter Pecan coffee but they don't put it on until in the afternoon.So, now I don't know when I should have my coffee:-hmmm.
Anyway ladies, you guys have a wonderful day.And wish me luck with Imax.I may just change my mind.
I'm with you Lizzie. If I can crawl out from under the down comforter and walk into the kitchen to make my coffee, hey, that's my biggest accomplishment of the day, no matter how many Cathe workouts or anything else I may do the rest of the day... Without coffee and this forum at 8:00 a.m. I'd be a goner..... :-tired
I embrace my coffee addiction with all my heart and soul. Gotta have my two pumpin' cups every morning, no more and no less, or I go into a coma. I tried to decaffeinate earlier this year and was back on the bean within 72 hours.

Ah well. As vices go, that one can't be too bad.

I'm with powergirl and Nancy on this one: the morning double latte gets me through teaching and office hours, and thee evening one peps me up for an evening's chores, grading, reading, whatever and I aint gonna give it up!

OMG Kath !!! Urgh ! Formaldehyde is used to decaff coffee ? Yuk-ky !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is it used to decaff tea as well ???
OMG, some nail polishes contain Formaldehyde too........

Anna :)
RE: Anna/Bernard -

Yeah, but you don't drink nail polish anymore, do you? That's gotta count for somethin' . . .

a-joke (i meant that)
RE: Anna/Bernard -


LOL !!!!!!!!!! :7 LMAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :7

Yeah, my days of nail polish guzzling are now over !

Anna :)
RE: Anna/Bernard -

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-06-02 AT 02:03PM (Est)[/font][p]OOOOOOOOOOOPPSS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah they do use formaldehyde in the decaf process most of the time, but some use a water-process to decaf. But how to tell? I hope my post wasn't too much of a downer, my point really was, you can analyze it to death or just have the darn stuff and enjoy it.

Most herbal teas are naturally decaf, but I don't know how they decaffeinate the black teas?

Ooh that butter pecan coffee, now that sounds gooooood. Kath

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