The Classics DVD


I am new to Cathe (4 weeks)and started with Basic Step/Body Fusion and absolutely love, love, Cathe. She is without a doubt the best. I am ready to move on to a step workout that is more challenging and am considering purchasing The Classics DVD (the one that has Step Jam, Step Heat and Step Max). Would appreciate any input from all of you who have been working out with Cathe much longer than I have, if this a good way to really get accustomed to Cathe before I move on to let's say Step,Jump&Pump for example.

And if by chance you read this post Cathe, let me say that I wish I had discovered you sooner. Better late than never!!!
Hi Maria, I think The Classics DVD is a great start:). I think that was my first purchase then I just got a few at a time until I got them all:).
My first one was Cardio Hits, but got discouraged too fast with it (beginner to step) I got the Classics DVD, and I learned enough of Cathe's style of step that I was finally able to do Cardio Hits without staring at the TV dumbfounded. The rest is history...I got 'em all and I love every single one!

Hi all!! I ordered the Classics DVD thanks to your input and boy am I happy that I did. Just finished Step Heat and it was intense but lots of fun! The first combo I did well with, but the second had me a little all over the place. So I just went back and tried it again. Hopefully I will get in a few more tries. Tomorrow Muscle Endurance which I have been doing for about two weeks now and love that too. I do have one question - I am a little confused between strength training and endurance type workouts. What are the differences and do you need to be doing both?

Thanks again for you help!!

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