"the classics" and "cardio hits" dvd's - let's talk about that now :o)

thanx for all the responses about S&H! now i have another question...

the last two dvd's of cathe's i don't have if i order the ones i plan to and S&H will be the classics and cardio hits.

i've previewed these and it kinda bothers me that they are dated (outfits) and i was wondering what you all think of them...

once i place my order for the final 3 (or 4) dvd's these will be the only ones i don't have. however i don't want to buy them just to have them if i won't use them cuz of them being dated (outfits)

does anyone have any comments on this? do the dated outfits bother you? are the workouts that good that i should get them?

also... normally i don't do just a step workout.. i like to do circuits or plb/pub type workouts... i do like KPC (but even that is essentially a full body workout!)

again.. thanx for your responses and help!

I still do these workouts all the time. The outfits don't bother me but perhaps because I've been using these workouts since they came out. The workouts themselves are excellent and I doubt you'd be disappointed. But if you're concerned about the outfits and think that would be a distraction for you then you would have to decide. Also, if you don't step much, then maybe these aren't for you. These are great workouts for cross-training. If I had to pick one over the other (I have both) then I would get Cardio Hits as Step Works and Power Max are two of my favorites.


The workouts themselves are still great. And fun! Some are more dated than others. For example, Step Max is alot more so than PowerMax. I don't think Step Fit or Power Max FEEL dated when I'm doing them. They are, for the most part, completely step workouts though and if that's not what you're looking for, they may not be up your alley. If you do get them and you don't particularly like the workouts, any Cathe DVDs ALWAYS sell for nearly their retail price on ebay and the Ya Ya swap.

I would be interested to hear which of these workouts (ie. classics or cardio hits) has workouts with more basic, less complex choreography. Thanks, Carol

IMHO, the Classic DVD has the least complex choreography. It ws my introduction to Cathe's step workouts, and I didn't have a whole lot of trouble getting it down.

The dated outfits don't bother me. Remember, these workouts were filmed in the early to mid 90's, and that was probably the style back then, along with big hairstyles. What's important to me is that I still get a good workout with these older classics. Just think of the outfits today. Ten years from now they too will be considered dated.

Outfits don't bother me either. I have Cardio Hits. I am too busy spinning and sweating to pay attention to the outfits!

Consider whether or not you will use 60 min cardio or if you are bored with the cardio that you already have. That is the issue rather than whether or not you like the outfits, it sounds like. If you don't do cardio/step at home, you don't need them.


I am yet another Cathe "beginner" who loves step aerobics.
The two dvd's, cardio hits and the classics vol 1. are the most fun I have ever had working out. Besides the natural high I get from these workouts, I really like the choreography and music. What outfits?
I am so busy listening to Cathe that I hardly care about what she looks like. If you like step you would love these dvds!!!

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