The Cam is on!!!!!


Nancy C

Quick someone run in and tell Brenda F to wave at me!!!LOL
nancy:O) it too early for popcorn???
too funny!

Nancy, I'm watching too... you mean you don't have your popcorn ready?... Have you seen Brenda yet?

Where's Cathe?

Lydia, who really needs to get a life!
I'm so excited!!

Isn't this FUN??? What a hoot! Cathe looks great and she's doing some kickboxing moves! I have IE5.0 so I get a series of pictures rather than streaming video, but that's OK. I am looking at the back of Cathe and I keep thinking "DO A TURN MOVE!!! DO A TURN MOVE!!" so I can see her! hehe! Don't you envy those lucky people in that class?
Me too, me too!

Can somebody go tell Cathe to turn around and wave at us??? (hee-hee!) Geez, this makes me envious of those lucky people who get to take her live classes!!

Bev K.
Gotta Go!

I loved watching for this short time but now I have to get off the computer as my son is pestering me to get on... doesn't he realize I'm watching the Great Cathe Friedrich?...

Well, I have to go workout anyway... wish I was doing Cathe Live Kickboxing!

Lydia L
This is toooo funny....

I am taking my water break at mid class...LOL and discovered you all over here:O)...what a sad group we are HAHAHAHA...thank goodness it's a holiday.
Cathe does look great! I can't believe how fast her hair grows. And I did catch a turn move Susan. I might have even noticed a plyo jack going on in the crowd. As far as Brenda goes...she's hiding from us..OK, water break over, back to class.
I think I saw Brenda!

pony tail, red racer back under white stretch tank and black leggings....AND GREAT FORM
I thought I saw Brenda too!

This was so fun! Yes, I need a life! Hee, hee! Cathe looked FANTASTIC! It's hard to believe she just had a baby!
yup, I got cut off at the end of class too.

I was hoping for a wave from Everyone
...not a bad class though.
I waved!

Hey guys, you all are too funny! I waved at the end of the class but I'm not sure if the camera was off or not. Very sweaty but smiling up a storm! After class I got to meet the very adorable Eric. What a darling! He was all sleepy in his Mom's arms but just the cutest little guy you ever saw!

I am sooooo jealous! I was watching the class and thinking to myself "those women are taking a class with CATHE....and I am at WORK." was the class? Everyone looked great!

Suzanne M.
What a fun day!

Hi Everyone! Boy, oh boy, I had so much fun today. How special it was to have you celebrate my first class back with me. Originally, the members were not aware that they were on the Cam (I didn't want to make them nervous)and therefore I did not run up to the camera and wave hello. I faced the camera a couple of times and glanced upward, (winking at Brenda as if it were our little secret). But then I couldn't contain myself anymore and "spilled the beans" to the members. After that I waved openly and motioned to Brenda to get in there too
! We both just had a blast knowing that you guys were going to be with us today. Thanks for "working out" with us!!!
Hi Suzanne

Not to totally brag and rub it in but the class was SO much fun! Lots of really intense punches, kicks, plyojacks, jumps. Plus of course Cathe!! I mean, need I say more! You would absolutely never know she just had a baby less than two months ago. Great stuff, I just wish I could quit my day job and get to take that class more often!

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