The Butt Lifter!

Squats and leg presses with heavier weights should do the trick for you flatter buns people - also running up hills really lifts those glutes - :D :D
I don't run up hills, but let me tell you heavy squats & presses haven't worked for me. You can bounce a dime off my rear end but I'm still built like a 12 year old boy. At this point I'm thinking there's no solution to the brick a$$, it's genetics & I have to live with it..
I would love a "butts & guts" workout.

Squats have done wonders for my rear parts, but I agree this is probably genetic to some degree....

Leg presses make my already bubble butt just huge. I have to limit leg presses to only once or twice a week and normally with light weights and fast reps.

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