The bicep work in Supersets kills me!


Is it just me or do you find the preacher curls and concentration curls on the stability ball to be extremely difficult? I can do barbell and dumbell curls with heavy weights standing up--no problem, but I have to lighten to 8 pounds just to get through the reps when doing them on the ball. What gives?
I find this too. I keep going back to the upper Super Sets blast just to keep working on this area. A definite challenge!! I think it is because there are so many reps and partial rep holds. I keep trying to go heavier than Cathe and have to drop back on the dumbell biceps. These are definitely tough.
Diane Sue
Oh good, I thought it was just me! ;) They kill me, I start with 10lbs and steadily decline. My muscles are popping when I do it so I'm thinking SOMEDAY I won't poop out.


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