The Best Exercise You're Not Doing

That's all well and good, but I want to know more about this...

"There was also the adult-film star I trained who had an orgasm every time she did hanging leg raises, but that's another story."

>"There was also the adult-film star I trained who had an
>orgasm every time she did hanging leg raises, but that's
>another story."

That would be an 'interesting' change from hearing the usual types of grunts and groans in the weight room.("Give me whatever workout program she's doing!")
Interesting! In rehabbing my knee, my PT recommended that if I didn't have time for anything else during the day, do a couple sets of the single leg squats or Bulgarian Split squats (which he called Bode Miller squats).

I gotta say the single leg squats make every muscle in my leg burn.
>That's all well and good, but I want to know more about
>"There was also the adult-film star I trained who had an
>orgasm every time she did hanging leg raises, but that's
>another story."

Yes! I want to know more about this also


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