That "time of the month"

Hi Cathe!

First off I just want to say you rock!
Second...and not to be gross, but do you have any suggestions for exercise during "that time of the month". I have often heard that exercise is supposed to help with cramps, but for me that is just not true. In fact, usually a week before I even get my period or cramps, if I go for a run I get really bad cramps about 10 minutes into my run. These usually go away, but not before I walk it off and lose my heart rate. Also, I find it tough to do a good cardio during the beginning of my period if I have bad cramps. Is there anything that I can do so that I don't have to lose out on cardio during those days?

Thanks!! :7

RE: That

Hi Lisa! The cramps and pains associated with "that time of month" vary so much from person to person (as well month to month for a particular person). You really just have to do what your body is up for at that point in time. The hormonal fluctuations and fluid retention will effect you mentally and physically. Blood loss will make you tired (so ask your doc if they recommend taking an iron supplement during your menstrual week), fluid retention will make you feel full and crampy (so keep your water intake up to help flush the extra fluids), and hormone fluctuation will make you moody (so try to count to ten before reacting to a situation, wink).

With all that happening, it is hard to put additional demands on your body. Try to take your time and warm up thoroughly. Then gradually kick it up a notch. If your okay, proceed, if not, then keep it a light day. Even a light day will help balance mood swings and take care of some swelling. At least we can be thankful that it is a temporary situation, whew!

Take Care!
RE: That

Cathe,I have to say I just Love your answer on this one !! I'm new to PMS even though I'm 43 !!! I must be pre menaposel.My tuff time is during ovulating and the week before !!! Help LOL ..Wink wink . Hugs to you Cathe,you made me smile !!! Well you always do !!!:) :) Take care ...Oh that makes me feel better ,I can slack a little that week !!!Whew!:) :) :)
RE: That

Thanks Cathe! That is great advice...especially since I have a history of anemia. I am sure that my iron levels do go down during that time, which will impact my stamina. I will try your suggestions. Thanks a lot!!
Lisa :)
RE: That

Hey Lisa,

My time is usually awful! It keeps getting worse which is due to bein perimenopausal I'm sure. I tend to tank up on the water, but will add EmergenC to it the first couple of days of my actual period. I will only take a walk for exercise as well.

The other part about the iron and being slightly anemic might be helped with eating raisins or some prunes. They are loaded with iron and so I add raisins especially to my steel cut oats. The other thing I love that has iron in it is natural black licorice! I can eat an entire box of the Panda brand in just a couple of days! I don't know if you like any of those items, but they are very helpful to me during that time of the month.
RE: That

Thanks! I am actually not a fan of licorice, but I do enjoy raisins! Thanks for the suggestions and I will make sure I drink lots of water!

RE: That

>At least
>we can be thankful that it is a temporary situation, whew!

Unfortunately, mine seems to be "permanently" temporary. Every month during "that time of the month" I remind myself that it's only temporary. But then I'll go thru the same thing the next month, and the month after that, etc, when I've already gone thru it more times than I'd like to.:-(

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