That darn High Step


Ok, ok, I'm FINALLY ready to admit that the High Step with 5 risers is just too high for me to do leg presses. Could it because I'm barely 5 feet tall?? DUH!!

I tried lowering my resistance first and my knee still came almost up to my nose as I stepped up. I tried doing it without any resistance and I still couldn't maintain my balance beyond a few reps. So, I have hit bottom (so to speak) and I'm ready to accept that even though I'm short, I can't do everything. Of course, this was probably obvious to many of you immediately, I just didn't want to see it. Call me the Queen of Denial (excuse the bad joke).

I declare myself humbled by the high step. But, I can do killer leg presses with 4 risers!! And as my dh says, "You are small, but mighty!"

Thanks for allowing me to whine,

"Don't forget to breathe!"

I'm 5 feet even. I normally only use 4 risers and can do the same weight as Cathe. I just received the high step with five risers for Christmas. Well, as you say my knees are upto my nose. I will do 5 risers with ME but only use 8 lb. ball.

I just figure, I'm still getting results with the four risers
and my knees and my nose apperciate it.:D
Want some cheese with that whine? ;-)

You did the right thing by lowering the step height.

It's much safer, and more effective, to toss your pride away when doing weight work, and go for what works for you, rather than trying to keep up with someone else and injuring yourself (which is what the "knees-to-nose" steps-ups would probably do!).

FOr step-ups, the actual height of the step doesn't matter. It's the angle of your knee, which should never be tighter than 90 degrees (if your knees were almost up to your nose at 14", then even 12" might be to high for the safest form.).

I will use anywhere from 10" to 14" for step-ups, depending on the amount of weight I want to lift, and on how my knees feel. It's also good to vary the range of motion of a movement. I mix it up like this when doing Cathe's HSTA because there are SOO MANY leg presses.

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