Thanksgiving Day Challenge

Every town in the country hosts a Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot. SIGN UP!!!!!! Just do it!! If you don't run or hate to run...then sign up as a walker! You will have a lot more fun than you think and you will be kicking off the Holiday Season to a great start! They usually have 2 distances...a longer one (10K or so) and a shorter one (5K or so).

Travelling for the Holiday??? NO EXCUSE!LOL!! I will be out of town and I signed up! Just find one in the town you will be in that morning!

You WILL have fun!!
Pretty authoritarian post, Sarah. You sould like my mother!

Pushy, pushy :eek:

I have other ways to be challenged this Thanksgiving. Trotting is not one of them x(
Where are you going for thanksgiving? The turkey trot in my area is 6 "VERY HILLY" miles! I did it last year and my step-dad was at the finish line waiting for my mother and said I looked like I was about to die!:) :)

You know you can count me in as well!! I'll be running an 8 mile Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot. I don't know about all the other turkey trots but the one I'll be running one that requires a food and monetary donation for a local food bank. That's reason enough to get out there trotting at any speed!!!

Thanks for your usual encouragement. You're the greatest!
I've always wanted to, but I always have to make something for the Thanksgiving Day dinner. Thank goodness I don't have it here! Then there's getting everyone ready and we're still late!

I'll check and see what time it is here. Maybe I can be on bakery or pie pick up this year! ha ha!

Sarah - can't do the Turkey Trot with you, but I will run a 10k instead. Will that work? :) By the way - I like your post - made me want to get up and run - sometimes I need the whip cracked!! Thanks!!
Hey, great idea. I'm gonna be visiting family in Tennessee, and I just looked it up on line and there is a race! Now I'm gonna see which sibling has the guts to join me!
Dallas, They are almost always early! Pick something up of make something the night before. The food can wait...the exercise CANNOT! It is the perfect day to get out and get moving! If anything, it will leave you feeling less guilty about that dessert!;-) SIGN UP!!!! The spirit of those things is just AMAZING!!
Allison- 6 Hilly miles is an amazing accomplishment! GO FOR IT AGAIN!!! Think of all the pride you will have for yourself! Priceless!

Dana- A post meal LONG walk...I'll take it! Just get out there!

Shelley- GREAT ATTITUDE!!;-) Let me know when you sign up! Post pics!

Elaine- I knew I could count on you! 8 miles...WOW! You will feel very accomplished!:)

Christine- A 10K is fine by me! I don't care what they call it, just as long as you are out there doing it!! GO sister, GO!

Heather-Ah, you made me so happy I started this post! AWESOME!!! Drag the whole family out there, even if they don't run! They can cheer for you! You guys will have a blast!!

O.k. Ladies, We are on! While your running or walking, think about how lucky you are to have me!:7 :7 JUST KIDDING LOL!!!!!! Think about how lucky you are that not only are you able to walk/run your event but how lucky you are to have the drive and determination to get out there and do it! Think about your loved ones and how lucky you are to have them and how lucky they are to have you! Be thankful! Enjoy the DAY not the food! Well, enjoy the food in moderation.;-)
Well, I'm signed up for the Gallop and Gorge 8K in Carrboro, NC. I was going to do it anyway, but now I feel like I'm making you happy too, Sarah, and that makes it better.

I'm going to be trotting in my basement as per every Thanksgiving doing a marathon Cathe step challenge. I will probably do MIC with some other stuff tacked on like the Step Blast Blast, the HSTA and HSC cardio, or some such calorie killing mish-mosh. I'll be down there about an hour and a half before I come up for air.
Just Do It! :)
There's no Turkey Trot where I'll be on Thanksgiving Day, and I officially had Thanksgiving scheduled as a rest day in my current rotation. But, just for you, I'll throw on my 2002 Turkey Trot tee and head to the beach for a 5K run that morning. Will that work?
I know Dani's signed up for one here but I don't know where I'll be T-giving morning. If it's here, I'll run with Dani, if it's at my parent's, I guess I'll run alone!!

I tried to organize family participation in the annual Turkey Trot a couple of years ago but my FIL, who cooks Thanksgiving dinner, became upset at the notion that he would be hard at work while the rest of us are out doing something else. It just isn't worth it if it's going to make him mad. It will only ruin the day for everybody. I'll get up extra early and do 4 or 5 miles of Leslie Sansone--How's that?

Definitely a great way to burn some calories before the feast. In Atlanta, the only trot I know of is a marathon and half-marathon which I'm not quite up for due to my stupid sciatic nerve problem. I dream of doing the half-marathon someday (maybe next year). After I walk 6 miles now my foot goes very numb, so I'm not sure I'd get thru the half-marathon with a numb foot. Anyway, I'm going to attempt to walk as close to 13 miles as I can Thanksgiving morning around my subdivision. That way I can just go in if my foot goes out on me. So I'm joining you for a turkey trot as best I can.

I'm having 25 people over for dinner... that is my challenge! however, maybe running 10k would be easier! I'll have to think about that one LOL!

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