

Cathe, I'm 55 years old this year and really enjoy your classes on Fit TV. My husband and I travel and I'm not able to get into a gym so everyday I do your classes. I have also bought a few of your videos. Sometimes I can't keep up with you but hope to in time. Your classes are such a challenge and deffintly not boring. We have 2 weddings this year and would like to get some pounds off before then.I'm sure I can at least bet in better shape doing your videos. Again thanks for doing them.


I just turned 58 and have been doing Cathe's workouts exclusively for about 5 months. If you keep at it, you'll eventually be able to keep up. Yes, I admit, I take some sips of water and a few extra seconds to catch my breath between some of her more aerobic exercises, but I love them. Good luck. You'll be in great shape for your weddings if you stick with Cathe.

I'll add my thanks to Cathe for putting out such great workout videos. I love the new Hardcore series and am so thankful that I preordered it last summer when the price for the set was so low. One of the smartest things I ever did!

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