
Hi Kathryn,

I'm glad they sent you a response, but I hate when companies try to dance around an issue. Most people who take the time to write a letter about product testing are well aware that "we don't test our products on animals" might just mean that, as you said, other people do it, or ingredients are tested.

I'm glad you are being persistent! Please keep me updated.


Oh- My birthday passed recently, and I ordered a Garden Botanika membership card so I could get 30% off. I bought some brushes, lip things, and eye creams, and I love them so much! They rock! Thanks again for telling me- I never would have found them otherwise!
Most people who take the time to write a letter about product testing are well aware that "we don't test our products on animals" might just mean that, as you said, other people do it, or ingredients are tested.
Actually, I'm not sure if that's true. I'm afraid that a lot of people don't "read between the lines" and think that "we don't test out products.." means "no animal testing." Of course, they probably don't write the company because the notice on the container (is there one?) might reassure them.

In the same vein, I've noticed that a lot of infomercials especially make claims that you have to read between the lines to really understand (lose "up to 20 pounds' means you might not lose an ounce, but that someone, somewhere COULD lose 20 pounds maximim). The same with political speeches. I think most people don't think critically enough to do that, and just take things at the most superficial level.

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