Thanks from an Asthmatic


Cathe- Many thanks from an asthma sufferer. I cannot exercise outside and I am sure you know how boring it can be on the cardio machines at the gym. I have used your videos for a long time, but now I have a whole new appreciation since I have asthma (adult onset type.) I do lose my breathe more easily with your cardio, but the weight training has been a God send for my fitness goals...

Pretty soon, I will have all of your workouts on DVD. I just found out that you suggest rotations...I cant wait to start will bring a whole new life to my routine.

I wish I could meet you someday, hopefully I will be in NJ someday to take a live class.

I was recently diagnosed with asthma as well--and I do not know what I would do if I couldn't workout inside as well.

Thank you again, Cathe, for providing us a way to workout vigorously even though we do have a bit of a challenge:)
Hi Michele and Kathy -- and Cathe!

I don't think I have ever mentioned this on the Forums before, but I'm asthmatic, too, and you should know that after 7 1/2 years of Cathe's training, my lung and small airway functions are so dramatically improved that my asthma doctor has cut my medications back to practically nothing -- just Albuterol as needed and Singulair tablets at night. I don't even have to use a steroidal inhaler for inflammation anymore, which is great news for my at-risk bone density. Hubba hubba!!! :) Kathy S.
Another asthmatic chiming in here!

My asthma used to be really bad -- multiple hospital trips for breathing treatments, daily use of albuterol-type inhalers, even continued use of steriod inhalers (which did help A LOT). Even when I was an aerobic-only exerciser, I had a struggle with asthma.

A couple of years ago (incidentally, when I began working out with weights -- FIRM and Cathe), my asthma has virtually disappeared. I've been off prescribed medication for a couple of years now, and maybe once every 3 months or so, I have to use a puff of my Dad's MaxAir inhaler. I swear, it's like I don't even have asthma!

My Dad said that when he was my age (early 30s), he too felt like he didn't have asthma. Don't know if he experienced this as good as I am, but I wonder if what I'm experiencing now is due to my weight workouts, or changing hormones . . . .

Whatever it is, I LOVE it -- NO complaining going on here!:7

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