Thanks, from a silent follower



Hi everyone. I have been faithfully following many conversations on this site for a year. Since last January, thanks to dusting off some old Cathe videos and purchasing some new, I've lost 70 pounds. Actually, it was 75, but Christmas was, well you know . . .Christmas. I've got my tapes lined up for next week, and made it through MIC this afternoon, whew!
I'm posting this message to thank everyone. When I felt discouraged, or alone in my fitness quest, all I had to do was to check out the great postings from some obviously dedicated and knowledgeable exercisers.

My problem now, is I've been doing almost all cardio, with very little strength training. I know I have to balance both, but I'm not quite sure how to go about starting? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks again, cindyb
Hi Cindyb, congratulations on losing 75lbs., I KNOW how difficult it can be!
My first strength training video was MIS (Maximum Intensity Strength), and when I look back on it I'm glad it was. Not only did it introduce me to Cathe's style of weight training, it taught me correct form, which is important to prevent injury as well as get the results you desire. It is a total body workout, so it "introduces you" to most of the exercises you'll see in other Cathe weight trainings as you move through the series (and you will!). I found it allowed me to build both strength and endurance and got me ready for more heavier stuff like the Pure Strength series and Slow and Heavy series.
Technically, I guess you can jump in wherever you choose, but I feel like MIS is a really good foundation to basic strength training.
Good luck choosing, it can be sooo difficult, but they're all GREAT tapes, so you won't be sorry no matter where you start!
Donna :)
Wow! Good for you on the weight loss!!!
I agree that MIS could be a good place for you to start, but if you are feeling a little intimidated you could go for some more beginner to intermediate tapes. I think my first strength training tapes were Secrets of a Great Body--upper and lower--by Kathy Smith. Those are good introductions to form, and you can definitely build on them.
As for MIS, I started out with no barbell, and it is easily modifiable to that.
I would say to aim for getting each body part in once per week to start, and then move on to getting each part in twice per week. There are many ways to do that, whether you chose to do one part per day, or a full body routine once a week.
A good way to get ideas on how to fit in strength is to look at the check-ins for other people's rotations...
Good luck, and congratulations again! :-jumpy
Hi Cindy,
I agree with the others who have posted. You could start with MIS and use a weight that suits your strength right now. If you haven't done much weight trainig 5 lbs is a great weight to start with for your upper body. Also another suggestion - Are you familiar with the CTX series? Aerobic and 1 body part(strength training) a day. This may be a good place to start. Congrats on the weight lose. It is a tremendous achievement that you should be so very proud of.
Take care,
Hi Cindy. First of all, congrats on your weight loss. That's AWESOME! I did MIC last week, thinking I was this tough guy and would breeze thru it, ah, yeah, right. I think I coughed up a lung during the hi-intensity section, but anyhow, I think a great weight section to re-start with is the weight half of The Wedding Video. I always like that one, the weights are lighter but you still get a total body workout. I did MIS two days ago and my hammys are still hurtin'! And like you said, this is a great website to get support. I love it. So keep at it and good luck! Judy

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