Thanks for the premixes!


Hi Cathe,

I am so thankful that you decided to go with the premixes for the Hardcore series. They are wonderful for me since I don't always have a full hour to work out with working full time and having a 15 month old! I love the new videos and think it was great that you decided to make them single DVD's, so that they are more affordable for people that may just want to buy one workout. Thank you for great workouts for advanced exercisers. They are the best out there :D
I really like the push/pull type premixes on the strength workouts. It seems like you've found a way to try to satisfy most people's preferences for how the weight work is structured!
Cathe -

I was thinking about thanking you for the premixes this morning, too! I rarely have time to do more than an hour, and sometimes fitting in an hour is tough! Without the premixes, I wouldn't be able to do many of your awesome workouts! I want you to know I sincerely appreciate the premixes - every morning at 5:00 a.m.! These are a must for time-crunched exercisers!


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