Thanks Everyone...Think Fit...Think Fun...

Hay fitness friends, just did Body Max 'cause I'm trying to check out my current fitness level. WOW!!! How did we smile while filming that.
Today, I was busy just trying to breath while trying to avoid landing on my black lab "Daytona".
I began to wonder to myself, how do I get myself into this fitness for life stuff?
It would be much easier to sit and watch on the coach while eating something yummy!
Do any of you ever wonder about that while working out?
I mean, exercising for the rest of my capable life....what a thought...sometimes I ask myself that, and then answers myself back...really I do. I think when I go into that "Flight or Fight Stage" during training, my home facial expressions are ones of help or of sheer laughter while cracking up. This seems to help me through something that is possibly much more challenging then I may fell like doing, by myself, and at that exact moment. HA!
Anyway, this message took place right after the cool down so now it's time to move the furniture back, wash off, and refuel.
Thanks so much for all the kind words.
See ya soon,
Think Fit,
>Hay fitness friends, just did Body
>Max 'cause I'm trying to
>check out my current fitness
>level. WOW!!! How did we
>smile while filming that.

>Think Fit,

That's what we've been wondering!!!

Cathe & her ENTIRE crew have provided great inspiration & motivation time & again. And darn, your physiques get better & better, like the life clock is going backwards.

THANK YOU to ALL of Cathe's crew!

I have no idea how you smile through all of those videos.I have tried to smile like you but it don't last for long.And sometimes when I am doing a weightlifting video I watch you when cathe says 16 more and the look on your face is is getting hard.But you do all of it perfectly .Are you going to be in the new videos?? Looking forward to seeing you.Oh, and I think I am going to do MIC tomorrow morning.That is not going to be easy...
TAke Care,
I just did BodyMax today for the FIRST TIME, and made it all the way through (barely, with lots of modifying)! So it is really neat for me to hear you say that you were 'trying to breathe' while doing it today! It's hard to believe - all of you make it look so easy on the video - it's nice to know that you are human and have days where you struggle, too! Thanks for posting! I'll keep you in mind while I try to get better at BodyMax (with fewer modifications), and as I keep on the 'fit for life' track!

Another Rhonda
The thought of working out at the intensity I'm at now does seem overwhelming at times! So, I try not to think about it! I'm hoping, as I age, that I learn to accept my limitations as easily as I've accepted all the challenges that have come my way. The main thing is, right now, I'm having a lot of fun!
How did I exist before I started working out? I started to work out in conjunction with quitting smoking. Oh, compulsive me, I used to starve myself thin and never knew how great it was to enjoy endorphins as a calming factor. Now if I am stressed, instead of reaching for a smoke, I work out and the rest of the day is a breeze! As far as being a lifelong thing, my life was not nearly as pleasant as it has been since putting a Cathe workout on and enjoying not only a great workout but the company of the friends I have never met in person, but who are a part of my daily life! Chick's Rule! B bbi
RE: Think Fit...Think Fun...Think Rhonda!

Hello, Rhonda! I just wanted to tell you how much fun it is to read missives from one of Cathe's crew! And how much fun it will be to see you smilin' in The Intensity Series! You all are like best friends to us!

Annette Q. Aquajock
Rhonda, it's refreshing to know...

...that even YOU have to move furniture back to its place after finishing your workout! ;-) I must say, I'm now part of the fit for life crowd, too. Maybe I won't be plyojacking when I'm 60, but I'll still be doing some sort of fitness activity. Hope to see you in the new videos! :)
RE: Think Fit...Think Fun...Think Rhonda!

Hey, Rhonda! Haven't posted on this board for a while, but when I saw your post, I had to reply! Something totally OT.....My husband has loved ever since I popped in my first Cathe 3 years ago (WOW! WHO IS THAT!?) So every time he is around and I'm doing a Cathe we have a little joke (hey, honey, your girlfriend is here to visit) and he actually plops his butt on the couch and watches for a few minutes! Anyway, I have marveled at your fitness level and told myself you were only using the eight inch step because you're so tall. Then I find out you're only an inch taller than I am....darn. You are such an inspiration! Fun to see you post, even better to hear you say you think Body Max is tough, too! Take care!
RE: Think fit, think fun!

Think fit, think fun, that is exactly it. I finally found something (Cathe's DVDs) that are fun. They make me want to workout. Of course somedays, I want to do Step Jam more than Imax, but nevertheless, something! It is so great to see that you make faces, think about sitting on the couch with a tub of ice-cream, etc. I was just thinking about you as I was doing Step Works this morning. The little 'hey' face you make during the power mambos always makes me smile. Thanks for motivating us and sharing your thoughts!
Thanks for your post Rhonda! I have to have a day off due to little sleep here and was feeling down. (We spent weekend in Toronto seeing The Lion King, and watching our son play hockey.)

Now I can't wait to be rested for my next workout! I do enjoy all the videos you are in! And I look forward to seeing you and the gang again!

PS Are you a family woman too? I thought I read that you were a Mom also.

Judy Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)
WOW!! This is really Rhonda? THE RHONDA DAVIS who looks like Cindy Crawford participating in Cathe's forums? I can't believe it, it's such an honour to have your contributions.

I have to say I don't have trouble with Body Max and actually like it a lot on a good day, but it's not for every day. I usually make faces that could rival Freddy from Nightmare on Elm Street (it's a good think no one is around when I do Cathe tapes).

I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions? How long have you been a fitness instructor and when and why did you decide to adopt the ' for life.......'? I have friends who flatly refuses to do weight because she is convinced that it will make her look like Arnie. How do I persuade her otherwise?

You crack me up!

It always looks to me like you guys are not feeling any real pain, or the effects of gravity. You bounce off the floor, or on the step - and you lift with effortless ease.

So it is good to know you are human after all. I think watching oneself on a video while trying to *DO* that video must be really frustrating, as well as motivating!

>Today, I was busy just trying
>to breath while trying to
>avoid landing on my black
>lab "Daytona".
My Emma puts her own life in danger by trying to get entangled in me while I workout.

>Do any of you ever wonder
>about that while working out?
No! And here's why! Cathe and you all inspire me! I want to look as good as I can, and I want to feel as good as I can. Junk food makes me feel icky.

And what you said about exercising for the rest of your capable life? Well - you will EXTEND that by doing what you have been doing!

Thanks for posting this. It helps to know that you super-women feel like this too.


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