
Your advice gave me a lot to think about in regards to my daughter's situation. She now realizes that she was going way over the top and is seeing a counselor(alone and with me). Unfortunately, it took a case of the flu and then pulling a muscle in her back to make her realize that she was being way too hard on her body. While she was recuperating(and freaking out because she couldn't exercise)I got her some magazines and slipped your posts in between some of the pages. Reading that she could lose her hair and her periods could stop, combined with everything else, really scared her. She also stopped fasting and I really think we caught it in time. We're both hopeful that she can lick this thing. Thank you all so much!
Wonderful news!

Hi, even though I didn't give you any advice (because I have no experience with this) I'm so glad to hear things have turned around for your daughter. Having a six year old girl myself, I know that I hope for a reasonable attitude towards eating and exercise for her. I know between the media, peer pressure and friends, girls can get far out ideas as to what beautiful is, they need to know they are beautiful from the start and staying healthy should be the primary objective. ( I know, not a lot of glamour in THAT) I'll be keeping you and your daughter in my thoughts, looks like you're headed in the right direction.

Best wishes,
Elizabeth Kelly

I also never posted but have followed your thread and just wanted to say that I am so happy for you both. Isn't this place great??!! Still thinking of you and good luck as she is recuperating.
Glad we could help!

Back when I had my teen-age problems there was no help, no support groups, not even a name for this affliction! This website is so's much more than a place where gals can discuss video tapes! That's why I'm so drawn to it.

Continued good luck to you and your family.
So glad we helped

Like Honeybunch, I had no support or even any awareness what it was when I was going through my eating disorder. I am so glad things are better. Just remember, this is only the beginning and if you need more support, we are here for you.
And give yourself credit for being a great Mom. The only thing my mother did for me was yell at me to get off my damn diet when I almost fainted on the floor in front of her. Luckily for me, I was strong enough to get myself out of it. Your daughter is very lucky she has you.
Very Happy for

So glad everything is working out for you and your daughter. I have an eight year old daughter who is built stockier than me, she takes after my husbands side. Already she has been called fat!, at school(Grade 3) She has come home crying because of this. I am really trying to keep her possitive about herself. Now I am thinking what is it going to be like as she gets older? I guess all I can do now is stay positive

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