Thank you Cathe!


Hi Cathe –

Just wanted to tell you THANKS for producing such high-quality workouts. I am sorry to say that I only discovered you a year ago. I wish I had sooner!

I must tell you that I used to be one of those people that thought working out at the gym was the best and only way to workout. Boy was I wrong when I started doing your tapes! Your cardio workouts would blow any step workout I’ve done at the gym out of the water! And your weight training tapes are AWESOME!! YOU RULE!!!!

By the way – do you plan on doing something similar to Rhythmic Step? I just love that workout!

Thanks again!
Hi Tsut! Thank you for taking the time to share such nice thoughts with me. I'm very happy to hear of your success with my tapes. Someday we will do a tape similar to Rhythmic Step again, but these next round of videos will more than likely include a step tape along the lines of Interval Max (oh know, don't shoot me :))

Please don't make me do more IMax!


IMax#2!!!! Thank you sooo much Cathe! I am not HAPPY with you when I do IMax#1, but once I LIVE through it, it is my very fav tape!! Wahoooo!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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