Thank you Cathe!


Wow! I had to share this!

Two summers ago I made a meger effort at getting in shape. There's this hill not far from where I live. It's about .2 of a mile at about an 8% grade. I would go "do hills" - up & down, up & down - just walking. Well, by the end of summer I could see the improvement in my cardio capacity & even tried running it. I could run about 1/2 way up & then would have to go back to walking. Then, when cooler weather came, I gave it up. :(

Last June I discovered Cathe & renewed my commitment to fitness. I'm happy to say that overall I've been remarkable with keeping to it & I'm 30 pounds lighter.

Last night I decided to go "do hills" & I was surprised & happy to discover that I could run the entire hill without stopping! WHAT A THRILL!

Cathe, thanks so much for such wonderful videos - challenging & fun! and also for your terrific encouraging attitude. You have made such a difference in my life! :)
Yea Lezly!

These are my favorite kind posts! You Go Girl


...for sharing your success with us Lezly!! How exciting! It IS GREAT that not only are Cathe's video sooo good, but fun. Keep up the good work.


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