Wow! I had to share this!
Two summers ago I made a meger effort at getting in shape. There's this hill not far from where I live. It's about .2 of a mile at about an 8% grade. I would go "do hills" - up & down, up & down - just walking. Well, by the end of summer I could see the improvement in my cardio capacity & even tried running it. I could run about 1/2 way up & then would have to go back to walking. Then, when cooler weather came, I gave it up.
Last June I discovered Cathe & renewed my commitment to fitness. I'm happy to say that overall I've been remarkable with keeping to it & I'm 30 pounds lighter.
Last night I decided to go "do hills" & I was surprised & happy to discover that I could run the entire hill without stopping! WHAT A THRILL!
Cathe, thanks so much for such wonderful videos - challenging & fun! and also for your terrific encouraging attitude. You have made such a difference in my life!
Two summers ago I made a meger effort at getting in shape. There's this hill not far from where I live. It's about .2 of a mile at about an 8% grade. I would go "do hills" - up & down, up & down - just walking. Well, by the end of summer I could see the improvement in my cardio capacity & even tried running it. I could run about 1/2 way up & then would have to go back to walking. Then, when cooler weather came, I gave it up.
Last June I discovered Cathe & renewed my commitment to fitness. I'm happy to say that overall I've been remarkable with keeping to it & I'm 30 pounds lighter.
Last night I decided to go "do hills" & I was surprised & happy to discover that I could run the entire hill without stopping! WHAT A THRILL!
Cathe, thanks so much for such wonderful videos - challenging & fun! and also for your terrific encouraging attitude. You have made such a difference in my life!