Thank you and help for a stressed out working mom!


Dear Cathe,

First of all thank you for creating such a fantastic fitness concept with your videos, this forum and your personal comments and posts here! You are a world of your own to many out here!

Personally, I love that the new DVD:s are taking some time, because then I have something wonderful to look forward for a longer time! So please heal in peace and my blessings are with you!

Second, it would mean the world to me if you could give your thoughts or perhaps suggest a rotation for my situation. I've been left a single mom with two toddlers (2 and 3), and I'm going through some extremely tough and stressful times mentally, financially, at work and struggling to be a good mom in the meantime. I've been struggling to do 1 hour workouts in the early mornings (1-2 interval or terminator workouts, 1 total body, and other different level circuits and cardios for a total of about 6 days per week). I've been feeling extremely tense, fatigued and tired for some time now, but I'm feeling such guilt for doing shorter or easier workouts or taking more rest days. I know sometimes just sleeping an extra 30 minutes even would be better, but... Please if you have any suggestions of how to deal with working out in a stressful situation, I would so very much welcome them! Also, suggestions of rotations are of course welcome, I have pretty much all your DVDs.

Thank you for everything once again Cathe, and hope your injury is healing well! Happy Easter to you and Your family!

Please, I hope somebody will reply something, even if it's not Cathe;)! I really appreciate this forum, so please you educated crowd... I'm in awe of you!
Hi Maria,

I'm currently on the run (busy mom also:) ), but I "feel" your pain. I can't imagine all you're dealing with right now and just want to say do not beat yourself up. Get PLENTY of sleep and sit down and rest as needed with no guilt; my goodness what you have to get done in a day's time! Also, do not beat yourself up about how long you do or do not workout. That said DO NOT neglect to workout and care for yourself. You are no good to yourself or your children if you are tired, rundown, and out of shape. You are not being selfish to take "me time" any time you can (although I understand that's hard in this situation) because that "me time" will renew you for the job of loving and caring for your children.

I am terrible at my own rotations, much less one for others, but you might want to check the "video and DVD rotations" discussion for the list of Cathe's rotations - it's at the top of the page. Also, place your post in the "Open Forum" and all the knowledgeable, supportive Catheites will reply.

Meantime, here's a {{{{{HUG}}}}} and a :)
Dear Melody,

Thank you SO MUCH for your quick and kind reply! I cried reading your compassionate words. It does feel so good to get some feedback about the only positive things in your life (= Cathe). And to know there are others out there... Just a warm Thank You again!

You're welcome, Maria.

I was just running past the computer to the laundry room to shuffle laundry and am trying to round up my boys from outside for showers and I saw your post.

Things may be slow on the forums this Easter weekend, but do post in open forum (maybe Monday would be a good time) and you'll get support and advice. Hang on and ask for a rope to pull you up when you need it.

Keep posting and hope to "talk" to you again soon.:)
Again, THANK YOU, and your advice is good. I should post on the open forum, I just feel intimidated about complaining too much....

BTW, your kids look great (!), and it's funny, the surroundings with your loft look so cozy and familiar; I'm writing this from Finland, and our family's place is one in the middle of Finland by a lake. The loft looks just like that!!!
Hi there, I too have become a single mom in the last year (I have a 4 and 7 yr old).Prior to my split I had worked out at home since my oldest was born, however I find that I don't get the time at home now and definately too tired to get up at 5:00 like I used to. Anyway I joined a gym with a great child care facility the kids love. We have an agreement that a few days a week they go with me and a couple of days I pick them up a little later from daycare. That said now that the weather is nice it's not as easy to go to the gym in the evening either, so I too am struggling at times to fit in what I would consider a workout that meets my needs. I guess the most important thing to remember is you must take time for yourself, you can't feel guilty, my kids don't always want to go to the gym but they know I'm a bear if I don't, and if you have to be a little more flexable and not as regimented with your routine that's ok too, your stress level can get really high and you aren't going to be much good to yourself or your kids if you aren't taking care of yourself.
good luck and take care

Thanks so cool about our "twin" lofts, and I add, Finland is on my list of places I must visit before I die. So I'm assuming Finland is your homeland?

Yes, Finland is my homeland. I definitely hope you have a chance to visit one day, summer is great! Feel free to send e-mail (I'm thinking it's possible to send personal e-mail through these forums...I don't know how it works, but I'm sure I'll find out), I'd be more than happy to meet and suggest some "must-to-dos" oa. Wouldn't that be great. International Catheite meeting!

Brianne, thanks! The gym with childcare is a good idea as an option. Now it seems my kids are too small to be very satisfied with that, but in a few years I really have to try it again. Again, thanks, it's just so great to hear that one is not alone with these issues. All my support and blessings to you too. One thing that kids do is grow by the day, so every day is a little easier!
Maria, The most important thing you need to do is listen to your body. Remember, little exercise is better than nothing so kudos to you for doing what you are doing! That is awesome. I do think you should take an extra rest day per week, make it two instead of one, there is nothing wrong with that. If you keep on like you are, you could fall sick and then you will be no good to anyone, including yourself. I've recently been under a lot of stress and anxiety and took a full week off, it did me wonders. I slept in like I never did before and just took it easy for that week. I'm back to my excellent workouts now and feel stronger than ever.

Listen to your body. Take care,

thank you so much for your support. You are so right, and I've actually taken a few more days off than usual this week incorporating Method Putkisto deep-stretching in my routine. It feels very good, I have to work at building it into my rotations without feeling like I'm taking the easy way... ;)!

Happy Easter!


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