Thank you all so much!

Cathe Friedrich


Hi Everyone,

I cannot begin to express my gratitude, appreciation, and happiness regarding your overwhelming responses on the birth of our new son. You have all touched our hearts immensely. Kyle has made our very blessed lives that much more blessed. He is beautiful, healthy, and quite the eater and sleeper too. While Eric is super delighted to have a baby brother, we are sensitive to his being jealous at times and being very careful to make his adjustment a very positive experience. We are all home now and enjoying our family bonding. I'm still resting quite a bit as recovering from this pregnancy seems a bit more uncomfortable than it was with Eric, but it is worth every minute.

I enjoyed reading each and every one of your posts and have printed them out to put in Kyle's 1st year baby book (as I did with Eric's birth too).
I will post more pictures along with more details of Kyle's birth on our Pregnancy Forum in the future once things have settled down a bit. But for now I wanted to thank all of you for your warm and welcoming wishes and let you know how much it truly means to us.

Some side note funnies: I noticed that there was also some discussion as to me being home from the hospital so soon. I apologize for the confusion, this was simply a typo. While we are now home and resting, I didn't actually get home from the hospital until Wednesday. Also, how cute that it read as if Rhonda just had a baby too but actually she was just sighting similarities to when she had her daughter Mandie 16 years ago.

I'll be back on the forum's soon, but until then...............
Love and Hugs to all of you!

Cathe (Jon, Eric, and Kyle too):)
You're Welcome!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-20-02 AT 08:22PM (Est)[/font][p]What a truly beautiful baby!!!

Congratulations to you and your entire family--and best wishes for a quick recuperation.:)
RE: You're Welcome!

How precious......

Congratulations to you and your entire family......enjoy!!!!

I'm the first to post, I'm the first to post, hehe, Cathe you are the greatest.....really you've touched so many, many lifes. I really appreciate and love you. I feel as if I personally know you. I workout with you almost every day. Your workout has changed my body in a way, I never though possible, thank you so much....... ;o)

Oh, I'm suppose to say something about the new baby boy, *Congrats* and a happy, and speedy recovery, hugs.

I'm the first to post, I'm the first to post, hehe, Cathe you are the greatest.....really you've touched so many, many lifes. I really appreciate and love you. I feel as if I personally know you. I workout with you almost every day. Your workout has changed my body in a way, I never though possible, thank you so much....... ;o)

Oh, I'm suppose to say something about the new baby boy, *Congrats* and a happy, and speedy recovery, hugs.

Kyle is adorable - he looks so peaceful and content. Thanks for sharing a picture of him with us!
Best wishes for a speedy recovery! And some sleep for all of you! :)
He's so beautiful!!

I'm happy to hear you are all home, safe and healthy. It's funny how each pregnancy can be so different. Take it easy, Cathe, rest and recover. Give Eric a big hug and kiss for me for being such a wonderful big brother!!
What a picture of absolute contentment! Kyle is gorgeous, Cathe. Congratulations to you and your family. You are an inspiration to us all!
Take very good care of yourself :)
Oh My!

He is just beautiful! Lucky for you that we are all not close by. We'd all be having to give him hugs!! Thanks for sharing such a special part of your life with us all Cathe. Take care, get lots of rest and hope you start feeling more comfortable real soon. Give big brother Eric a hug!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Cathe, Kyle is such a beautiful baby! They are so precious and add so much joy to our lives (and grow up so fast, so enjoy each and every moment) - :)
Hi Cathe,

What an absolute angel he is!!! Congratulations! And it was wonderful to hear from you again. When you post more pictures and birth details on the pregnant moms forum, would you please also post a notice over here in the "ask Cathe" section to let us know that you did so? I want so much to see that post but I don't generally go to the pregnancy forum. Thanks so much. --Karen
What a Gorgeous baby! Thanks for sharing his beautiful, angelic picture.
Take care and thanks for making the world a more beautiful place to live in.
Wonderful picture! He is sooo precious!You are truly blessed!Enjoy your family bonding!And thanks again for sharing with us! Your friend in fitness--Francine
What a Face!

Cathe, what a wonderful thing to log onto your Forum on a beautiful Sunday morning and find this picture of your precious baby boy! It seems fitting and very appropriate to gaze upon that peaceful little sleeping face on this day of reflection -- isn't it incredible how babies remind you that there are still miracles in this world? I could stare at that wee face for hours, smiling. DebbieH's right -- it's a real good thing we're not all in NJ, or you'd find about 1000 crazed "aunties" camped on your doorstep ready for that first big baby-smell hug! ;-)

Kyle is everything my Forum pals have already said, and more. From the bottom of my heart I wish you and all your boys many, many more days like these times, filled with all the joy and fun and happiness (and sleeplessness :)) that children bring.

And, once again speaking as the ole' experienced mom of two now-big boys, how right you and Jon are to be so sensitive to how Eric absorbs Kyle's presence. It IS a lot for him to process, but with Mommy and Daddy's extra TLC he'll get past little spurts of jealousy in no time.

Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy, and cyber-hugs to all four of you!!

Kathy S.

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