Thank God for Hope!


Tears of joy as I type. Hope arrived!!! Healthy, whole and beautiful. 2 1/2 weeks shy of her due date. 7lbs 8oz of perfection. Worth every last minute on brethine and bedrest, and then some. She has a headful of hair and her daddy is totally in love with her. I am so thankful and feel so blessed. Hang in there all of you who are waiting on that big day. It does arrive!!!! Even if you feel like it may never get here. Thanks for all the encouraging words I have received here!! Paula
Hi Paula!

Congratulations on your new little miracle! How exciting. We are so glad you, Dad and Hope are doing well. Thanks for sharing your wonderful news with us and God bless all 3 of you. Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Congratulations Paula!! So happy to hear the wonderful news!!
Take care!
Congratulations, Paula!

What wonderful news, and what a beautiful name you've given your daughter. Congratulations to your whole family! :)
Congradulations!! Reading your email brought tears to my eyes because I can "feel" your joy! I can't wait to experience this myself! Thanks for letting us know!


And welcome to little Hope! I'm so happy for you! Take good care of yourself, your hubby ( Your description of his rightful adoration of Hope is so sweet! :) ), and that beautiful girl! God bless!

Hi Paula,

Congratulations to you and your new family. I am so glad that you are part of our pregnancy "Forum Family." Give Hope, a beautiful name I might add, a big hug for me.

Love, Sheila
Welcome Hope!

She sounds lovely!!

Enjoy these days - they go by quickly! Soon you will have a precious tyrant (uh, toddler) on your hands!! And they are just as loveable as infants, don't let ANYONE tell you otherwise!!

Congrats to you, you deserve this joy!

RE: Welcome Hope!

Thank you for all the congrats and sweet comments. We spent the weekend under billi lights, but she is doing fine now. Mom is a little tired. I am waiting for that magical moment when night and day get straightened out. She is a joy. I love it when she snuggles into my chest after nursing. What overwhelming love. She calls. Thanks you all!!!!

Hi Paula! Congratulations to you and your family. There is something magical about reading a proud mommy's birth announcement. It brings you right back to your own magical moment and you actually re-live the emotions all over again. Thanks for sharing.
RE: Welcome Hope!

Hi Paula! Your situation sounds identical to mine. Eric was also under the bili light and ironically loved it. He was hanging out in his little diaper with those terri cloth shades on. I thought he looked so relaxed and warm.

For the first few months of his life, he too, got his days and nights confused. At the time it seems like eternity (mom always tired and operating like a zombie)but it does eventually pass and you forget all about it. Actually, you forget about it as soon as you look at every little miniture, cute, cuddly thing about them (just melting with emotion as I think about those tiny fingers wrapping around my index finger while feeding).
RE: Welcome Hope!

I know what you mean. I can't believe how cute she is at 1:30, 2:30 and so on in the morning. She didn't like the billi lights because she doesn't like being naked. The doctor said no cute little diaper for her. I think she just loves to snuggle and feel close . She's fine now so those silly lights are just a fading memory. Paula

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