
<--- hasn't read ^^^
<--- has had a really busy day preparing for the weekend
<--- will be out of town tomorrow, and then spending Sunday with the IL's
<--- is making Easter dinner for the IL's
<--- just found ^^^ that outx( ;(
<--- tells Nance she has a headache, too
<--- says it's left over from yesterday's dental appt
<--- had the dental appt from hell
<--- says you can read about it in the Haters thread
<--- sorry to be self absorbed
<--- wants to wish each of you a blessed and happy Easter or Passover
<--- probably will not BB until Monday:* :*
<--is so sorry to hear about Michele's bad dental experience
<--would never wait 3 weeks to get her bite right
<--has an awesome dentist who is a perfectionist and would never allow <-- to have a lopsided bite for a day
<--thinks Michele should speak up and insist upon perfection in her mouth!
<--says unfortunately <--'s headache is accompanied by a sick tummy monkey feeling :(
<--barely had the energy for the shower
<--is going to have to lie down very soon
<--is disgruntled at having to waste a day off
<---is sorry Nancy isn't feeling well
<---hopes the headache and tummy monkey feeling leave soon
<---agrees with Nancy that Michele should speak up to her dentist
<---is cheering for Maeghan
<---would go to nearest fire truck and blow whistle in honor of Lieutenant Maeghan if it wouldn't get <--- arrested:)
<---wonders what everyone has planned for the evening
<---is just going to read a book after kiddos go to bed
<---hopes the weather improves as kiddos are going stir crazy
<---had to put on stern mommy face when kiddos were caught sliding down the stairs in their sleeping bags
<---hopes everyone has a good night

<---stomps into thread growling about how AWFUL work was today
<---thinks people should have better things to do the day before a holiday weekend then pee in a cup
<---is now being totally decadent and having a BIG glass of Zinfandel and baking a cake instead of doing a workout
<---says the h#ll with guilt and quaffs some wine
<---likes the word quaffs and intends to do some quaffing tonight
<---only hopes she has spelled quaff correctly
<---tells Nancy that a dedication is a Baptist ceremony where a child's parents promise, before God and the congregation, to raise the child in a Christian home and teach him Christian doctrine
<---explains that we don't believe in infant baptism, but instead believer's baptism, where you don't get baptised until you are old enough to understand what it means
<---bets that is more than Nancy wanted to know
<---is now headed over to Hateville to catch up with the citizens there
<---hands Michele a piece of coarse sandpaper and tells her to grind her tooth down to a more acceptable level
<---quaffs and leaves for now
<--tells Phyllis that<--wants some fish now(very pretty)!
<--and oreos!
<--will probably have a fast food hangover tommorrow!
<--but it WILL be worth it!
<--sorry to here Nancy still isn't feeling well!
<--is also glad Robin lost&found her pee!
<--is saying good night now!
<--Have a wonderful,safe,and fun easter everybody!
<--is feeling miserable enough to order in comfort food for tonight
<--is sending DT out to pick up a Mediterranean platter for <--
<--is dreaming of chicken shawarma with tahini and hot sauce, cucumber tomato marinade and hummus all rolled up in a pita :9 :9
<--says it's a little piece of heaven on earth
<--does NOT need the calories right now, but, like Robin, feels too awful to give a darn
<--says Robin, let's be naughty together tonight }(
<--tells Nancy and Robin to go ahead and indulge and feel better!!
<--Loves the fish tank pics!!
<--sprays down and disinfects <--'s computer trying to keep the tummy monkey away that seems to be going around OAL
<--now gets to interact with poochies some thank goodness
<--was feeling like a bad mommy :(
<--specialist was pleased with poochies progress
<--hopes everyone is feeling better soon!!
<--catch ya later


<--so sorry for Michele and her dental issues :(

Catherine http://www.smileyhut.com/silly/arrowhead.gif

<---finally sits down at the computer to say HI!!!!!!!!!
<---got to leisurely read all the posts and really enjoyed it
<---can't address everyone but...


<---won't bore you with all the details of <---'s day off, but really enjoyed it
<---will sign off now and go find some dinner
<---had a piece of cold pizza, but that really didn't do the trick
<---hopes everyone has a very nice evening
<---hopes to see y'all tomorrow!
<---is glad Catherine pooches are making progress
<---thinks chiclids sounds like a small, square, hard piece of gum
<---thinks Phyllis got confused and meant to say pirhana
<---says if pirhana is spelled wrong, blame my DS
<---takes another quaff and hopes Nancy enjoys her take-out comfort food
<---made scallops with lemon-garlic pasta at DS's request
<---says white cake with vanilla icing and coconut was delish too
<---plans on heading upstairs soon to take a nice warm bath, read a nice no-brainer book and maybe sit in front of the fireplace with DH
<---will chat a bit tomarrow
<--waves at everyone
<--loves the tank pix!
<--sends uber hugs and congrats to Ms LT Maeghan!!!
<--sends lots of healing vibes to the tummy monkies and craptacular peeps!
<--has a headache now because the guy cleaning the floor took a shower in nasty smelling cologne!

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