Leanne -- DH still hasn't noticed my protein stockpile, but I'm sure the girls will -- they'll help me consume it, though. :) You are soooo cool going to that concert -- my DD would be jealous of that, too. First R&J last night and now this -- she is going to think I have the coolest friends!

Tneah -- I agree that RCRW probably qualifies as vigorous. Take it easy, girl!:)

Lainie -- your online fitness tools are AMAZING!!! Did you compile them yourself or what? I went on there to get the weight sheet for that Jari Love workout I just did -- it's so helpful. I also used the ones from Gym Styles to help me figure out how we could use those workouts to lift the 4.2 tons in the Challenge. Thank you so much for all that helpful stuff! ETA: Thanks for the tip on Ripped & Chiseled. The one I own is Slim & Lean. I think I'll return this one & get Ripped & Chiseled from Netflix.
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Good afternoon everyone!

Tneah—That green stuff sounds disgusting! I bet it was even worse coming up…You need to take it easy! I hope you continue to feel better. Please rest and eat your ice cream!

Lainie—That happy hour party sounds fun. Those 3 hours of the day are the toughest with children, IMO. Have fun! What kettlebell DVDs do you have? Is your mouth back to normal yet? How have your skin treatments been?

Kristi—Glad the girls are on the way home! Have they had fun? I hope that your elliptical gets fixed soon. How annoying! Good job on the workout. I have one of her workouts, but rarely do it. I struggle getting past her looks…Enjoy your salad!

Allison—Don’t stop your meds! Robin, where are you??? Even though your throat feels better, it is important to finish the entire prescription to ensure all the bacteria are obliterated. I love Toyotas! We have had a Camry for years and it just keeps going and going and going…Hey, I have seen you in Tracey’s videos and bet you could do those drills with ankle weights! Try it!

Shelley—So, you are interested in kettlebells??? Yea! Let’s see, I started with a 15lber, but you might consider beginning with a 20. They are freakin’ expensive and you can always substitute a dumbbell until you work up to a 20 for certain exercises. I believe Leanne started with a 15, but progressed to a 20 very quickly. I still use my 15 for Turkish get-ups, but use my higher ones for everything else. Turkish get-ups are easily done with a dumbbell. Do you and Sophie have any plans for the weekend?

Leanne—I am sorry that you are having a rough day! Perhaps your hormones are the cause of the gain and mood? Mine are constantly playing those tricks on me. I hope you have a restful nap and feel better!

Well, I had loads o’ fun with my kettlebells! I am glad you guys thought my “walk after dinner” idea was good. Dr. Andrew Weil has written about how the human body responds to the act of walking. Apparently, the movement alone acts as a stress reducer (not just the endorphins). My MIL (who lives outside of Tahoe) has walked every evening for years and is the healthiest (physically and mentally) person I know. I love to walk!

I need to run errands and get Emma! Have a good afternoon!

Hey Leanne and Kara--I just bought that psycho Kettlebell workout that you've been talking about. I'm terrified of it! But so excited too. Sheesh, I'm really gonna have to STOP buying new stuff since I'm going to be having a car payment soon. Ugh. I may just have to start checkin' out the street corners at night to see what kinda cash I can bring in...;)



>*high fives Leanne* Another convert! }( Go Allison!!! :)

Thanks! Actually I bought a 15lb KB and The Kettlebell Way a few weeks ago. I wasn't overly thrilled with TKBW plus it didn't make me sore at all (I know that's not an indication of how hard you worked, blah, blah blah, but I want DOMS, dang it!;)). I haven't done it since. But Leanne said this new one she tried is killer and gave her awesome DOMS so I'm ready to give it a shot!

Do you think I should go up to a 20lb KB? My wrists were killing me after that first time I tried it. It's hard to keep them straight!


Hey ladies!

OK, my arms are shaking as I drink my protein shake and type. I did S&H Shoulders, followed by S&H Bis and Tris. I'm in SUCH a better mood -- I was able to go up higher than I ever have before on all the exercises! Hooray! So I may be flabby, but at least I'm getting stronger! ;-) Isn't it great how a good, hard workout can make you feel so awesome?! I'm feeling much less dismal about my flab. Thanks for listening, ladies! Smooches!

LOL about enabling Allison with the new KB workout! (Kara, we got her to cave in on it! ;-) ) Seriously, though, Allie, you'll love this new one! It's hard core, but I really liked it much better than The KB Way since it really kicked my butt!}( Now just keep off those street corners! ;-) Since your wrists were bothering you, I'd say to stick with the 15 for awhile. Also, I ended up getting out an old pair of wrist sweat bands (I read somewhere on-line that it helps your wrist avoid the bruises from snatches), and it might have helped me keep my wrists straight. See if it helps! :)

Kristi -- You're such a sweetie about how the girls would think I'm cool, but I'm definitely not cool! Mike and I, in fact, are always teasing each other about who is the bigger dork. (Ssh! Don't tell him I told you, but I'm really the bigger dork, even though I tell him that he is. ;-) ) Isn't Lainie awesome for putting all that fitness stuff together?! Glad that the girls will enjoy your new protein powders, too. I got your email, and am hoping to respond in a bit -- after my arms stop shaking! ;-)

Lainie -- Your party sounds like fun! I wish I could get to bed early tonight, but we have that concert. It should be fun, though.

Shelley -- Like Kara said, I started with the 15-pound KB and then moved up to the 20. I'm not really strong, though, and usually go a lot lighter than Cathe. A 20 might be better for you since you're a Super Woman, keeping up with Cathe and all on those upper body workouts. :)

Kara -- Did you do Newport today? I'm going to do Extreme Cardio one more time (on Sunday) and then will attempt Newport next week. (I'm already scared!) I can see why/how Dr. Weil says that walking makes us feel good; it's so true! My grandma walked every day until she was probably about 85 (and even then, she used to walk laps around my parents' swimming pool, using her cane), and she was healthy, alert, and in fantastic shape! We'll all be that healthy, too! :)

OK, so I think I did something silly. Last night at dinner, the hostess had the exact hair cut I've been wanting for awhile, but that my current stylist hasn't been able to quite give me. (She's just no getting it right, even though I've been bringing in photos.) I asked the girl at the restaurant where she gets her hair done -- and just called and made an appointment for tomorrow! I've only been with my current stylist about five times, so I don't feel too bad trying somewhere new -- but now I'm just scared! The new do' is one of those short looks, and I've been wanting to go back to even shorter hair, but may be getting cold feet. :D
Ok, wait a minute? Allison, were you in an exercise video with Tracey whats-her-name???Do we have a video star amoung us? :eek: Do tell!

Or maybe I misunderstood what Kristi meant. But all this talk of kettlebells is making me nutso guys, I might have to cave in, but then again, I just bought the RCW workout stuff, and you can only do so much at a time right?}(

Hells bells its hot here today! Over 110...wow. And poor Georgie wants his walk so bad, but its too hot.Just got back from the grocery store where I bought stupid things I know I should not keep in the house like reduced fat peanut butter, hummus--I can go "there" with both of these items...plus with PMS, its even harder to say no...I am a lover of fatty, creamy foods.

Leanne! ((HUGS)) three pounds does not a fat ass make darlin' dear.:p You stop that right now, and you out of all people certainly do not need to apologize for being a downer around these parts, that is for sure! In fact I give you an "A" with a gold star for being a fabulous personals poster, and cheerleader for the whole group here! So there.:p Are you a PMS mess too? Or is it just water, yeah, when you eat out, that water gets ya everytime cause you cannot control the sodium. Think about this please. It takes 3,500 extra calories to create an extra pound of fat, correct? Have you eaten 10,500 extra calories this past week? Thought not. Move on and up, stop wasting mind time on water weight that will be gone in a week--or less.:) Go have fun at the concert tonight and enjoy yourself!

You wanna see water weight? I would take a pic of my bloated belly and waistline and post it if it'll make ya feel better?

My tummy is better thank goodness, you all are right, the green crap combined with the workout kinda pushed my over the edge, after all, they did knock my butt out yesterday, so all of those drugs they use are still hanging around.

Lainie, have fun at play date! Sounds like alot of fun actually!

I need a nap....zzzzz..Wait! Leanne, just read your post, yeah, a happy face again...:7 So glad! And go for the cute haircut, and switch stylists, seriously.I finally had to take the plunge last year, got sick of mine doing the same old thing all the time...post a pic of the cute cut if you can find it?
Leanne -- I'm so glad you are feeling better! A good, hard workout is always good for what ails you, I think. I know you don't run, but I assure you that I maintain my sanity and do my absolute best thinking while running. (that's not a pitch for running, just a comment on the value of working out)

Good for you to try that new stylist -- don't back out! You should definitely go elsewhere if your current person isn't doing what you want.

The elliptical guy actually called and said he is on the way.
Yes, Allison is our resident celebrity! :)

Hey, Tneah, sweetie! We were posting at the same time! You are so good to me -- thanks for all the sweet words! I think I could be retaining water, too, since I switched back to doing S&H this week after a few weeks of endurance lifting. Sigh. I'm just stressed b/c I feel like the weight I lost is slowly but surely creeping back on. I need to stop it! I'm totally with you on those creamy, fatty foods! :9 I also go nuts with carbs. I seriously can't keep pita chips in the house b/c I will gorge on them until I make myself sick. Speaking of sick, I think I need to come over there and take away your workout toys so you can't work out the next few days. You're supposed to be resting after your SURGERY! It sounds like you definitely overdid it today! Will you promise us that you'll take it easy the next couple of days with your workouts? That green puke is obviously not pleasant for you to have to experience! ;-) And we'll keep you from caving on those kettlebells; after all, they'd be really hard to bring on the boat with you!

Kristi -- Thanks for the encouragement about the hair appointment! I think I'll be gutsy and go with the new hairdo. When I was in college, I had a pixie cut for years and loved it, but I'm worried that I'm too old and fat for short hair. (This cut isn't quite that short, but still!) Yes, working out sure is a panacea for a lot of mental worry, isn't it?! :) Hooray for the elliptical guy coming, although are you sure your legs are ready to be back on that thing?! You must still be soooo tired from the Challenge!

OK, off to shower and hopefully nap, except now I'm wired from my workout . . . . ;-)
Hello Hello Hello!

I'm finally home. Phew. What a long day. I picked up my crap car at the shop since they got it to start and am now driving that around. Every time I get in it I pray that it'll start. Then I drove straight to the Toyota dealership and test drove their new 2009 Corolla. It was S.W.E.E.T!! But, um, a little too pricey for my wallet. I was there for almost two hours! I felt so bad walking out not having bought it but there's just no way I can afford it. Plus, they examined my car and said they could only give me $1000 for it. :( I'm so sad that I can't afford this car. I guess I'll have to keep looking around. Sheesh. Buying a car is a LOT of work. I'll be honest when I say that I've never bought a car before. My parents gave the car I'm currently driving to me when I got my lisence. I'm very lucky. It's kept on truckin' ever since but I think it's time to say bye-bye to good ole Mali. Yep, that's what I call her. My good ol' chevy malibu. May she rest in peace sooner rather than later. ;)

TNEAH!!! OMG! I got your package today! Thank you sooooooooooo much! I can't believe how much stuff you included. I'm so excited! I'm just shocked that you sent me all of that at no cost. Talk about lucky. Boy, am I ever. I can't wait to try the sleep aid. And the stuff for under-eye circles. My bags are so gross. Well, they're not really bags. But they're so dark. I look like I haven't slept in years. Ugh. Regarding the topical Strivectin stuff: should I wash my face first? Then use that and then put on my moisturizer? Thank you again! I love you!

Oh, and yupperoonie, I was in Tracey's first three series of videos--her High Intensity series, her Sweatfest Series and her Parts Series. I'm not in the most recent series. I just didn't have the time with school and all. I wish I was, though. It's the hardest thing I've ever done but so rewarding and so fun. Cathe's right when she says it can take an entire day to film ONE hour-long workout. And under those stage lights?!?!?! OMG. I got so sick during the last filming. TMI, I know, but I they had to stop filming a bunch of times during HISMII because I kept getting sick. (And I wasn't throwing up...ahem...if you know what I mean). It's beyond brutal. A wonderful, wonderful learning experience though. There's nothing like it.
She and I live within walking distance of each other. I met her when I started at the gym she teaches at about 6 years ago. I love her to death. She's my best friend in the whole world. I'm actually headed to her house in about 5 minutes for "Steak night at the Staehle's". (That's her last name--pronounced "stay-lee". She and her husband are so good to me....and they're the best cooks ever. That girl knows how to eat, let me tell you. And she used to sell wine as a side job so she's got a cellar full of it. }( She and I went on last year's RT together and are going on this year's together again. She's obsessed with Cathe--it's hysterical. She actually got me into Cathe. And for that I'll always love her. ;)

Ok, off to dinner at Tracey's. I love you all. No workout for me today. I couldn't get up when the alarm went off this morning and there's just been no time since I got out of work. What a crazy day!

See you all tomorrow! I'll be watching my niece all day and (hopefully) car shopping so I might not be around too much. I'll be up early to get my workout in, though--I swear. No really, I do. ;) See ya lata!


Okay, after reading Leanne's post, I am refusing the urge to don my sneaks and walk on my treadmill...I am pretty wiped out, but feel guilty laying around...I just wish the period thing would start, oh and then I was reading on the ask Cathe thread about all of the over 40's with thyroid issues and weight gain, and that just totally freaked me out!:eek: But I need to chill and trust in my body, knowing that it has always taken care of itself.
I have been fortunate that over the years I have basically stayed the same size since my 20's.Well, except when I have dieted for my competition and the last program I was on.
I should be proud and happy that I have a body that loves to remain the same...not a size 2 mind you, but hey,I ain't 5'2 you know what I mean jelly beans?

My own little pep talk here...

Allison, that is totally cool you are friends with Tracey, see now I have to get her other workouts, the ones you are in! That is awesome, and I like to hear she enjoys her vino too.;)
Oh, wash your face then the eye cream, then depending on your climate, use your regular moisturizer then the strivectin spf, or you can use that by itself if you have alot of humidity. So glad you got your things!

Think I am going to go put jammies on...I wore my new Zumba cargo pants today, they are super duper cute and will be my new uniform this summer. They are a bit pricey, but they make your butt look really cute I think.

Good evening chicas! Nobody will probably see this because you're all in bed!

Kristi - I'm trying not to cave on the Kettlebells, but everyone is raving about the darn things!! I'm glad your girls are on the way home! YAY!

Allie - have fun with Tracey tonight (you're already there, I'm sure). I hope the nausea has passed. How did the test drive go?

Tneah - ugh - sorry to hear you were puking! I hope you feel better now! I STILL have DOMS from Slo-Mo legs on Monday. Yes, Allie is in a few of the Tracey workouts I have and it's so awesome to be able to work out with her! I'd LOVE some of those Zumba pants but they're just not in the budget. Maybe Tracey will get us a good deal on them!

Leanne - Sophie and I will be going to visit Karen tomorrow for the afternoon (after Sophie's final piano lesson). I LOVE Death Cab! How exciting that you're going to see them! And please.... you are NOT a downer! You're the uppest person I know! And you are DEFINITELY not fat! Go get that sassy haircut!

Lainie - how was the Happy Hour Play Date? That just sounds wrong, for some reason:p And how was t-ball?

Kara - kettlebells seem to be pretty cheap here, for some reason. Nothing exciting planned for the weekend. Sophie and mom time and a visit to my sis tomorrow. I told Sophie I'd take her to her fave restaurant for dinner tomorrow night.

All right, that wore me out:p I'm off to bed too!
Hi guys, I only have a second, but wanted to pop in.

Allison--Sorry! I didn't realize you had already been enabled! I hope you enjoy the new DVD!

Shelley--I hope your visit to Karen's goes well. When does she find out about the pathology report?

Leanne--Go short! I had a pixie cut after I had Emma and have been carrying around a pic of one in my purse trying to work up the nerve to do it again. I have an appointment with my stylist next week...I am sure you will look so chic with a shorter 'do. Good job on upping the weights! AND you are not fat! You are fit and gorgeous!

Off to tuck in Emma. Have a good night!


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