Morning haters.
Jen, dear Jen, my butt is big, thanks for trying to make light of it but it isn't small. Heck, even when I was a size 6 it was still big!!! HA! Doesn't it stink when the "kids" wake you up so early. My alarm is set for 4:45 and darn that Ralphie, he got me up at 4:43!!!
What a morning I've had. As I"m putting Gannon in the car, I realize he pooped his diaper. I was running about 5 minutes late so I figured I'd just change him when I got him to daycare (I know, bad mommy); I pull out of the driveway and am on my way when I realize that I am wearing flipflops w/skulls on them - I can't wear those to work!!! I had them on b/c I took the garbage down and had the dog out. So I had to turn around, go home and get different shoes, then after I leave the house again, I realize I forgot my purse. So I don't have my purse and I wanted to go to the ATM during lunch. ARRHHH!!!!!
Last night I was taking my boys over to the lake to play and as we were driving there was a man stopped at a stop sign. I'd say he was in his 50's. So Gabe says, Mom, are you looking at that man? I'm like, uh nooooooooo. He says well he was looking at you. So I say, yeah he thinks I'm a hot mama. LOL Gabe then says, actually yells, "MOM, ARE YOU WEARING YOUR WEDDING RING?????". Where in the world does he come up with this stuff?????
So what is up with everyone today?
Jen - I hope you take some time this weekend to relax after your long week.
Michele - so did you get anything done yesterday????? You really like to procrastinate don't ya????
Editted to say that I just saw your post about your brother. Thank God he is ok. Have you heard anything else about what happened with him?
Yo Robin - what is up with you today? You didn't say whether or not you found a swimsuit.
Diane you cutey-patooty, how are you today? When does your DH start his new job?
Shelley - how are the hormones these days??? }(
Hi Becky (if you're lurking today)
My DH is actually watching the boys tonight. My best friend and I are going to see 1408 (the new horror movie that comes out today, it is written by Stephen King), then we are going out for wings.
Well I better get going. I've got a lot of work to do. Have a great weekend everyone!
Jen, dear Jen, my butt is big, thanks for trying to make light of it but it isn't small. Heck, even when I was a size 6 it was still big!!! HA! Doesn't it stink when the "kids" wake you up so early. My alarm is set for 4:45 and darn that Ralphie, he got me up at 4:43!!!
What a morning I've had. As I"m putting Gannon in the car, I realize he pooped his diaper. I was running about 5 minutes late so I figured I'd just change him when I got him to daycare (I know, bad mommy); I pull out of the driveway and am on my way when I realize that I am wearing flipflops w/skulls on them - I can't wear those to work!!! I had them on b/c I took the garbage down and had the dog out. So I had to turn around, go home and get different shoes, then after I leave the house again, I realize I forgot my purse. So I don't have my purse and I wanted to go to the ATM during lunch. ARRHHH!!!!!
Last night I was taking my boys over to the lake to play and as we were driving there was a man stopped at a stop sign. I'd say he was in his 50's. So Gabe says, Mom, are you looking at that man? I'm like, uh nooooooooo. He says well he was looking at you. So I say, yeah he thinks I'm a hot mama. LOL Gabe then says, actually yells, "MOM, ARE YOU WEARING YOUR WEDDING RING?????". Where in the world does he come up with this stuff?????
So what is up with everyone today?
Jen - I hope you take some time this weekend to relax after your long week.
Michele - so did you get anything done yesterday????? You really like to procrastinate don't ya????
Yo Robin - what is up with you today? You didn't say whether or not you found a swimsuit.
Diane you cutey-patooty, how are you today? When does your DH start his new job?
Shelley - how are the hormones these days??? }(
Hi Becky (if you're lurking today)
My DH is actually watching the boys tonight. My best friend and I are going to see 1408 (the new horror movie that comes out today, it is written by Stephen King), then we are going out for wings.
Well I better get going. I've got a lot of work to do. Have a great weekend everyone!