TGIF Daily Check in Aug 25


Good morning all!

RS for me today. For some reason, I was sweating more than usual - feeling pretty sticky!

Wendy and Tammy, I think I missed something. Why are you not doing cardio? Is it just a personal challenge?

Hi Phyllis and all who follow.

Phyllis: I just got the RS dvd. Had it on vhs but it was a pain. Can't wait to start using it again! Tammy and I have decided to cut back on the cardio to see what happens. I wanted to give my body a break from cardio 6 days (even though I love it) and Tammy decided to join me!

Today was going to be CTX UBS but I think I'm trading that up for an SS u/b premix-I know there's a super evil one in there!}( }( }(
Good Morning Fit Chicks!

CC#6 (candace's version) and BC Core only pre-mix for me today...I'm loving my cardio days now:7!

Phyllis: RS is so much fun and it always leaves me a sweaty mess!

Wendy: The SS UB blast is a great workout!

Hello to all that follow...TGIF:7:7:7:7
Hi everyone!

Phyllis - I have been a sweaty mess this entire summer! Is this a sign of menopause or something? I sweat alot anyways, but this summer I can wring my clothes out after a workout!

Today was MM, gotta love that band!

Saturday - Imax 1
Sunday - Cardio Step Express with Gay Gasper

Have a great weekend!
Hi Girls and YES...TGIF !!!

I just finished step&intervals & 10-10-10 and one of A-jocks Ab mish-moshes. (CTX kickbox core/abs & MM core/abs)

Happy 1st Day of Filming!!!!!!!:7 :D :)
Hi girls...I'm back. Work out is complete.

PUB ball ab work
SS u/b premix...not the EVIL one but I went HEAVY so I definately felt it!}( Not to mention that pub abs pre-exhausts my u/b so that makes it even harder!:eek:
MIS abs...just for fun!;)

Have a happy friday!
Hi everyone. I'm leaving for a weekend visit to my mom early afternoon, but I'm hoping to get home early enough to fit in a workout. GS C&T is the plan. I'm taking IMAX2 with me for Sat. Sunday will be my rest day. Hope you all have a wonderful day and an even better weekend.
Hello everyone!

Phyllis, I love RS and I am ALWAYS a puddle on the floor

Wendy and Tammy, I am proud of you for cutting back on cardio. That is really hard to do. Someday I will do.

Wendy, I love th SS pre-mixes.

Tammy, love the cardio coach. I am going to order the Candace versio now.

Conni, I love MM and the band kills me everytime.

Becky, gotta love A-jocks mish moshes.

Robyn, Enjoy GS Chest and Triceps. That one has a dread factor for me.

Teddy girl, I have never done MIS and I have had it for years. I better dig it out.

I will be running 5 miles today and ME upper body.

Have a great Friday.


I tried last night to create a rotation for myself along the lines of what we talked about in the other thread. I faild miserably! :-( I am just awful at creating rotations! GRRRR! x(

I hope you are having better luck than I did!

Hello everybody.... how exciting - film day at last huh?!!

I am off work now, only worked 5 hours today. I have tons of things scheduled to do which may or may not include a workout. We'll see what I can accomplish today.

If I do get to workout, my plan is PS S&T, an ab w/o, and maybe a short cardio.

I've got to get going!!
Ok, I think I saw 2 check ins but I will post here since it is the one I opened.

I did Cardio Camp's kickbox premix, then did MIS chest minus the pushups,and then did PS incline chest work and abs off of MIS.

Nice workout.

Have a great day!!:7

OMG, remove the dusk and push play ;-);-) MIS is a very good total body workout, trust me!

I remember a few years back I did a 4 week rotation with MIS and boy did I get great results in my upper body. My butt lifted like crazy too.....

Hi everyone!! Just finished up with Power Max from the Cardio hits DVD. First time doing that one and it was a good one. I got a great sweat going on that one. Now it is off to the pool with the kids and friends. Tomorrow is a much needed rest day with lots of errands.

Have a great day!!

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