Marcy~ good work yesterday. Did you do your pullups today? I saw that flow drill, I may have to do that on Sat., though I was thinking of doing the one on last weeks womens page (the min. for AOS drill)
Gayle~ great job with the bench press!!
Jane~ Are you enjoying your Feb. challenge? I am enjoying seeing what you are going to do each day!!
*4X thru the warm up (forgot to mention I use the stabililty ball for the wall squats- I'm able to go deeper- and my 20#kb for the halo- since its just a warmup)
* 6 TGU each side with the 30#kb (up 1 on the left from last time)
* 5 min snatch with 25#kb
(followed snatch test on Newport)
5 min. with the 25#kb is a new personal best
????for those doing or have done ETK....I am thinking of doing the joint mobility section from Empire State next week as a warm up instead of what's in the workbook for some variety. its a good thorough warm up and its also about 10 min..... What do you think?
Today I am working outside. I don't care how cold it's going to be, although tomorrow it's suppose to be near 70!!
This is the workout I'm doing today:
Balls to the Wall 25 Push ups 50 Slam Ball 200m Ball Run 50 Ball Squats 200m Ball Run 50 Ball Sit ups 200m Ball Run 50 Ball Step ups 200m Ball Run 25 Push ups
And for warm-up it will be my February challenge. I am enjoying it. I'm doing exercises that I usually don't do (like TGU) so it's really helping me on my form. 175 jump ropes 6 Windmills 5 Renegade Rows 4 TGUs 3 Planks 2 Mr. Spectaculars 1 Burpee
Deanie ~ I'm so impressed that you can doTGU with a 30# bell. I'm doing better with them now that I'm doing them every day. I'm striving to get up to your weight. Congrats on your personal best with the snatches!!! Although I haven't done ETK I think its ok to change up the warm up.
Gayle ~ Congrats to you on the bench press!
Vilma ~ I hope everything is ok with your car stuff.
Jane - Looks like another great workout. I'm planning to workout outside tomorrow. We're getting a warm-up as's supposed hit 40! I'll take it, that's downright balmy compared to the temps we've had.
Deanie - Nice job on the snatch test! Now...have you seen the Secret Service Snatch Test (SSST)? I think it's right up your alley.
I think I'll have cardio day today, I think maybe Imax 2. It's supposed to be much warmer here today almost 40 it should defrost my drive so I can get out! The temperature is supposed to get up to 59 degrees, from one extreme to another, and from snow to mud!
I'm hoping this will be the day ETK comes!
Waves to Deanie, Gayle , Jane, Vilma and all who follow
Jane~ Fun workout!! I hope it went well for you. thanks for answering the warm up question! I need a little variety with the warmup.
Gayle~ Where do you live that its cold? I'm in Maryland and we have been in the teens the last couple of days. Looking forward to 50 degrees tomorrow. Hows the renovations going? I have the SSST in the back of my mind. I have to work my way up to 10 min. Also, I thought you also had to hit 200 snatches..? Definatley a goal of mine, maybe by the end of ETK. I really like the snatch, I feel so empowered when I do it!!
Deanie - I'm in Vermont. It's been a colder than usual winter for us. We haven't gotten any kind of January thaw, which is out of the ordinary. I don't think I've ever hit 200 snatches. I've done 120ish with 8kg in a 5 minute test, but have never gone that long with 12kg.
I agree, it's feels like such a powerful exercise. I'm tempted to try the SSST with 8kg for the mental aspect, but no way, no how am I ready for 12kg. My arms would fall off!
The reno is still plugging along. I'm planning to finally paint the spare bedroom this weekend...yay!
Gayle~ I would try it with an 8kg...that would be more do-able than 12kg for me at this point. And yes, mentally better too! Have fun painting this weekend!
Andilynn~ sorry about ETK, but YEAH!! for the tax refund!! Enjoy!!
I've been so busy today. I did ETK (4 cycles of the warmup and 6 TGUs on each side with 20#). They're feeling much better. I admit I only did 4:30 instead of the 5 minutes. I also did the IMAX 2 Blast Only premix. Got through 9 blasts and half of 10. It was getting late and I was really wiped. I do think my endurance is improving.
Deanie - Great work on the TGUs and snatches! I might consider doing the ES warmup or the warmup from Lauren's DVD. But I have to admit the warmup from ETK definitely gets me warmed up good.
Andilynn - Congrats on getting your tax refund! Sorry you didn't get ETK yet.
Jane - You got me exhausted just looking at your workout. Very impressive!