TEST E-MAIL sent today from Coordinators


Hi Road Trippers!

This afternoon we have sent all of you a TEST E-MAIL simply to confirm that we have your correct e-mail address.

To confirm, please hit REPLY and SEND -- no need to write a message. ;)

If you have not received the test e-mail from us by this evening (I'd say), please WRITE TO US TO SEND US YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS. You can always reach the three of us at: [email protected].

We will be e-mailing to you about a few things. But most of our information for you, as we've mentioned before, is going to be coming at you right here on Cathe's RT Forum. So please continue to check in here often, okay?

We do want to reassure you all that MUCH is going on at Road Trip Central even though, unlike in prior years, you haven't heard much from us. Don't let the fact that we've been quiet little mice worry you, kids. As we've said, we are experimenting with some new "systems" for RT planning and implementation. It's all about making this experience better and better. :D

And last, a housekeeping note. As y'all know Cathe is in NYC this week for her Eggland's Best media events. (We hope they ROCK, and can I say we are pea green with envy for you lucky ducks who are going!) Immediately after that Cathe has to get moving on another commitment for next week. We're holding down the RT fort for her while she's being pulled away. So if you have RT attendance-related questions or issues while she's temporarily incommunicado, please alert us and we will do our best to help.

Woohoo, see you in just a few weeks!!!!!:eek:
The Hotels are filled

I've sent out a couple of e-mails and I'm waiting to hear if anyone needs a roommate.
This is my first RT and I really wanted to be in the thick of things, but if I can't share a room, I may have to stay 8 miles away, so if you know of ANYONE who needs a room mate, please give them my e-mail address. [email protected]
Thanks for any help.
Ellen Nicolas a.k.a.

There are some rooms available. I sent you an e-mail message with the details.

Lorrayne, Kathy, and Debbie

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